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As the first Quidditch match of the season was nearing, the DA meetings were put on hold, as Angelina, the Gryffindor Captain, insisted on daily practices.

Aurora was exhausted, as all she wanted to do was rest. With Oliver Wood gone, she had not expected it to be this bad with Angelina, but she was wrong. The girl had them training non stop, getting up early before breakfast to train. They would train during lunch, and then after dinner. Aurora was sure that Angelina was worse than Oliver, but she wouldn't admit it out loud.

Angelina had them training back to back for three weeks, and the entire team was getting restless.

"She'a crazy, I'm telling you". Ron complained one Sunday morning as they were all up and suited at half six.

It was the day of the match, Gryffindor vs Slytherin, and there were mixed reviews from the four houses. This year would be the first year that Ron had played for the team. As Oliver Wood had graduated the year before, the position of keeper was open, and after making it after tryouts he made it.

Of course, the Slytherins had made a chant about him, and it was getting to Ron. They had also made threats to the team, trying to make them panic.

"Hey Potty, I heard that Warrington is going to knock you off your broom". A Slytherin said to Harry.

"Oi Potter, watch Nott and Montague, they said that they're gonna throw the Quaffle at your pretty face". A seventh year Slytherin remarked to Aurora when she was leaving her Charms class.

They all ignored it as this was Slytherin's tactic, to try and make the Gryffindors be scared.

"You need to ignore them, and stop snapping back at them". Angelina had told them, her eyes landing on Aurora, George and Fred, who had said some things back to the Slytherin's. "You're letting them win if you continue".

One thing Aurora hated, was getting told of for something. She eventually stopped listening to the Slytherins, and continued to walk away from them, bitting her tongue as she did so.

They were all sitting in the Great Hall, their Quidditch uniforms on. Ron was busy shoving food in his mouth, something he did when he was "nervous".

"I can't do it". Ron cried, food spitting out on the table. Hermione gave him a look of disgust, her head shaking as she muttered things under her breath.

"You will be fine Ron, just do what you have done in training". Aurora said softly as she took a sip of her tea. Since her first year, Aurora never ate before a match, as she didn't want a full belly when she was in the sky. It would be embarrassing if she had thrown up in-front of everyone.

"It's okay for you to say, you're a professional when you play". Ron cried out.

Aurora rolled her eyes, taking another sip of her tea. She wasn't in the best of moods, as the night before she attended detention with Umbridge, the scar still fresh on her hand. The words "I should not talk back" scared her hand. She was lucky that her Quidditch gloves had concealed it, but the pressure of the leather was on there.

Aurora looked over at the Slytherin table, to see most of them looking at Ron, laughing and whispering. Some were sneering, hoping to get his attention. They had their usual Slytherin scarves wrapped around their necks, and a badge. She strained her eyes, to try and see what it was but she couldn't see.

"I must be mental doing this". Ron muttered.

"Don't be thick, you will be fine. It's normal to be nervous. We still get nervous, don't we". Harry said, his eyes on Aurora. He kicked her under the table, causing her to look up. Aurora glared at Harry for a moment before smiling, her head nodding as she lied to try and make Ron feel more calmer.

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