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The entire school knew about the Gryffindor team, and the attack on Malfoy.

A lot of people had stopped them, telling them that they did the right thing, and they didn't think they should of been banned. Others, did not agree and they were the Slytherins. Jeers and remarks would be thrown to them whenever they were seen.

"What you gonna do now Potter, now that you have no Quidditch and now life?" A sixth year Slytherin jeered one day at Harry as they walked through the corridors.

"Ignore him". Aurora muttered as she pulled her brother's arm, dragging him away from any confrontation.

A few days after the attack, Aurora was walking to her potions lesson. She turned her head when Theodore Nott walked beside her, copying her pace.

"What are you doing?" Aurora asked, a small frown on her face.

Theo turned to look at her, a small smirk on his face. "Walking to Potions, what does it look like?" He replied.

"What I mean is, why are you walking with me?" Aurora asked.

"We are both heading in the same direction Potter, don't overthink it". He answered, turning his head to look at her.

Aurora rolled her eyes, upping her pace. But with his long legs, he had caught up with her in seconds.

"Never thought you would be a dirty fighter. Montague has been complaining about his nose, even though it's been fixed". He said after a few seconds, a small smirk on his face.

"Of course he is". Aurora muttered, her eyes rolling.

"How come you've never hit me?" Theo asked, his head turning to look at her.

"Do you want me to?" Aurora asked, her eyebrow raised. Theo just smirked in response, his head straight forwards. "Maybe because you don't push me to the edge like your friends do". Aurora finally replied.

Theo snorted, her eyes rolling this time. "I wouldn't call Montague my friend...more of an acquaintance. He does most of my dirty work for me, and believes in return we are friends". He muttered. He turned to look at her, a smile on his face. "It was...entertaining to say the least. If you weren't a Gryffindor and well you know...you...I'd actually say you were alright". He said, before stepping into the classroom.

That was the only conversation they had since the incident, and over the weeks he went back to not speaking to her, only glancing at her now and then.

Over the weeks they learnt new things and built as a team. With no more Quidditch, Aurora didn't really know what to do, apart from the DA meetings and prefect duties. She was told that if she had any more fights, then that would be taken from her. At that moment, she did not care.

The Weasley twins were a great help, using there products to get Filch to stop following them and find there hiding places. They also used it on the Inquistorial Squad, who was made up of Slytherins.

They had just finished there final training before they all broke up for Christmas. Aurora couldn't wait to get out of the school and far away from the Slytherins and Umbridge.

Aurora was walking down the corridor, promising everyone she would join them in the common room shortly. They had all left Harry with Cho, in the room of requirements.

Aurora was lost in thoughts as she walked, her eyes on her feet. Alfie and herself had a massive argument that morning, a strain was developing on their relationship.

Aurora didn't know exactly when she realised that the relationship wasn't going well, maybe it was during the summer when he didn't respond to a single letter, or maybe it was before that and she didn't realise.

Forbidden - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now