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Aurora brushed her long hair, a small sigh escaping her lips. Another week had finished and she found herself getting more detentions and punishments from Umbridge. It was Saturday, which Aurora liked. No lessons, no responsibilities apart from prefect duties.

Harry made her promise that she would act up anymore and get herself hurt, and Aurora told him she couldn't keep that promise. She wasn't going to start changing for someone she didn't like, not now.

Aurora stepped out of her dorm room, her bag thrown over her shoulder. She was going to the library to do her potions essay with Blaise. The more they had been around each other, the more Aurora could trust him. 

"We really need to talk". Alfie said as he stopped her from getting off the bottom step.

Some people looked up, some eager to see if the couple where about to get into another fight, others on the edge of there seats waiting to see if Aurora needed any help. Aurora was well liked in the Gryffindor house. They liked the fact she would gain points for the house with her knowledge in each lesson, and how she excelled in Quidditch. They had also liked the fact that she had a temper and would happily speak her mind, and how loyal she was to her friends.

"About what? I asked you to talk last week, but you spent your time with Dunbar instead. Now you want to talk because she isn't around. Each time I tired to make conversation with you, it's always I'm busy we will talk later" Aurora snapped.

"I want to talk about us for starters. And why the fuck Nott hit me". He responded. He leaned forwards, his eyes dark. "And you cannot have a go at me for hanging out with my friends all the time Aurora, it's hard to try and juggle between them and you". He muttered.

Aurora looked at him, her mouth open for a moment. "I....dont know why he hit you. And for us, I don't know where I stand with you any more Alfie. Your confusing me. And don't give me that crap, you couldn't give me five minutes of your time so why should I give you my time? I need to be somewhere, so perhaps we can speak later". Aurora had stepped forwards, but stopped as his arm had raised, leaning on the wall, stopping her from leaving.

"I'm sorry for being snappy. I won't say sorry for believing in what I believe. You can't get me to apologise for that when we all have a right to believe in things. Like I said, the things Harry and yourself went through is heartbreaking yes. I could never imagine losing both my parents, and not knowing them. But I don't think it's fair, that you both go around talking about someone that is clearly dead. If he was alive, don't you think the Ministry would of caught him by now? Look, Harry saw a death, and it was sad, and his guilt has made him believe in this, but you can't go around feeding his lies. I know you want to be a good sister, but this isn't the way to go. And what do you mean, your my girlfriend, you can't act like this when we have a fight it's not natural. Every couple fights, we had some space from each other so you could calm down and I allowed that, all I want to do is speak to you and you won't even allow that". He said.

"What the hell is wrong with you Alfie? He is not lying, he saw Voldemort in the flesh and he got Cedric killed. Why can't you see that? The Ministy haven't caught him because they are too scared of him. Harry is filled with grief that he is making these lies up, and I am not being a good sister by feeding his lies. There not lies, it's the truth he is back. Are you even sorry for bruising my wrist? Everyone knows, I keep getting looks and people asking if I'm okay. You should know by now that people talk around here. You're making out that I'm the bad guy here, and that all of this is my fault. You literally had a go at me for defending my brother. You hurt me, and you just don't care". Aurora snapped.

"I did not do that Aurora, how dare you blame something like that on me. Your acting like this is all on me. I get that you and your brother are damaged goods, I knew what I was getting myself into, but fucking hell making up lies, trying to make me out to be the bad guy is wrong. I never hurt you and you need to stop telling people that I bruised your arm, do you know how much trouble I could get into if the Professors had heard that?". He snapped. He stepped closer to her, cornering her against the wall.

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