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Tuesday had come and Aurora could sense there was tension between Harry, Ron and Hermione.

They tried to get the twins to tell someone about there punishment from Umbridge, but they wouldn't budge.

Charms and Divination both dragged for Aurora, her hand covered so no one could see the little scared words from the detention before.

She had showed Neville, after he noticed her continuously covering her hand throughout breakfast and the two morning classes. His face dropped in sadness.

"I'm sorry Aurora...that shouldn't of happened to you". He said.

"It's okay Nev....she's just so evil". She muttered.

"Are you okay now? With you know...what happened before potions?" He asked.

Everyone in the school was talking about it. McGonnagall was fuming with Aurora, for attacking a student and for loosing points for Gryffindor.

The Gryffindor's on the other hand didn't care about the points, they where all talking about what Aurora had done and told her that she was amazing for doing so.

The slytherins on the other hand showed there hatred towards her even more. Graham Montague to be precise.

"Yeah...I'm okay". She smiled up at him as she grabbed her bag. "I'm gonna go down to the library for a bit, need to catch up on some reading. I'll see you later". She said softly.

Her robe was long forgotten, aswell as her cardigan. Her tie was loose as she walked out the corridor. One week they had been back at school, and she was already hating it.

Aurora continued to walk, her thoughts all over the place. She let out a small sigh as she saw some Slytherins sitting down, hoping none of them would say anything as she passed. With what happened with Bullstrode she didn't have the energy.

"Hey Potter". Theodore Nott said, a smirk on his face.

Aurora turned to look at him, her long lashes fluttering as she blinked. "Nott". She muttered.

Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy sat with him, there eyes on the Gryffindor.

"Hi". Pansy said softly, a small smile on her face.

Aurora forced a smile back as she walked away, a small frown on her face. She didn't understand why they where being nice...or if they had something planned.

She walked into the Library, walking to the back where no one could see her.

"Was thinking you weren't going to turn up". A deep voice muttered.

Aurora smirked as her finger gently touched a book, her back to him. "Missing me that much Blaise?" She asked, as she turned around to face him. Her smile was soft as she leaned on the book case, her bag now on the ground.

Blaise walked over to her slowly, a smirk on his face. "Never said that did I". He replied, standing in front of her, a genuine smile on his face. He moved a strand of her hair from her face.

"You okay?". He asked.

Aurora nodded for a moment, her eyes shutting as she leaned her head into his hand. "I should of controlled my anger". She whispered.

"She had it coming. She's a bitch. Just...watch your back please, she has something planned". He said.

Aurora looked up at him, her eyes soft. "What should we start with?" She asked, trying to change the subject.

Blaise smiled as he grabbed her hand, gently pulling her over to some seats. "Why don't you start of by telling me about your summer?" He asked.

Aurora smiled sadly as she looked down at her hands. "Not great...Harry has been having really bad dreams..with Cedric dying and stuff". She answered.

Blaise gave her a sad smile as he nodded. "How was yours?" She asked.

Blaise let out a small sigh as he shrugged. "Boring I guess, my mother has met a new man". He answered.

Aurora smiled softly, her hand reaching over to grab him. "Maybe next summer we can meet up?" She asked, her eyes soft.

Blaise smirked as he looked at her. "You really gonna miss me that much?" He asked.

Aurora rolled her eyes as she let go of his hand, grabbing one of her books. "Oh shut up". She muttered.

They spent over a hour doing studying. Most of it was Aurora trying to make Blaise laugh, sometimes she was successful and sometimes she wasn't.

"It's getting late". Blaise muttered as he packed his things away. "Want me to walk you back to your common room?" He asked.

Aurora smiled softly at him, her head shaking. "I'll be okay, people may talk". She whispered, a smirk on her face. She stood up, the strap of her bag going over her shoulder.

"Let them". He muttered as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "I can also protect you from any of my housemates". He whispered, a smirk on his face. "Although, you can definitely protect yourself". They both looked at each other as they let out small laughs. They left the libary and turned to look at each other.

They walked towards the Gryffindor common room where the Fat Lady was proudly hung up.

"Night Blaise, see you tomorrow". She whispered, she leant up giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Blaise smiled down at her, his hand moving her hair from her face. "Goodnight Miss Potter". He muttered, his soft lips pressing against her forehead.

Forbidden - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now