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Day by day new rules would be put on the walls. One of them said "No Weasley Products". Aurora had talked to Fred and George about this, listening to them rant as they said that Umbridge couldn't stop them. There main buyers now where in the Gryffindor common room, as they knew they were bound to be caught. The two twins however, didn't really care as they had no intrest in their studies anymore.

Aurora was leaving her charms class, her long hair was now out of her pony tail. She ran her fingers through her hair, a loud yawn escaping her lips. She turned her head as she felt someone walk near her, her eyes looking up. "Nott". She muttered, her eyebrow raised.

He turned to look at her, his lip was swollen and split, and Aurora couldn't help finding him attractive. She shook the thought out of her head, feeling disgusted that she even thought that. They both turned and stopped for a moment, when they noticed the large crowds rushing out towards the courtyard.

She grabbed onto Neville's sleeve as she saw him in the crowd with Ginny. "What's happening?" She asked. He let out a sigh as he turned to look at her.

"It's Professor Trelawney". He answered.

Aurora turned her head and watched as her teacher stood outisde, her cases around her. She had tears falling down her face, as she shaked in fear. They all watched as watched Mr Filch walked past with the last of Trewlaney's things.

"I, errr...." Trewlaney cried out, but she didn't finish her words.

Aurora and Neville turned their heads as Umbridge walked out, her head held high in the air. She turned as Harry rushed to stand beside her. Aurora shook her head not knowing what was going on.

Trewlaney tripped over one of her cases as she looked up at Umbridge. "Six....Sixteen years I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my home. You can't do this". Trewlaney cried.

Aurora held onto Neville's arm tighter at her words. She may of not liked her classes, but she liked her. She was nice and friendly to talk to.

"Actually, I can". Umbridge said as she raised a rolled up piece of parchment.

McGonagall rushed past the students as she made her way towards Trewlaney.

"Minerva". She sobbed.

"Oh dear". McGonagall whispered as she held her.

"Somthing you'd like to say Minerva?" Umbridge asked.

"Oh there are several things I would like to say". McGonagall answered. She turned her head as she looked down at Trewlaney, gently comforting her.

They all turned there heads as the doors opened to reveal Dumbledore. Aurora looked at Neville with a wide smile on her face.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside please?" He asked.

Students smiled as Trewlaney grabbed Dumbledore's hand as she cried out her thank you's too him.

"Dumbeldore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree Number 23, as enacted by the Minister....." Umbridge was cut of my Dumbledore. "You have the right to dismiss my teachers, you do not, however, have the authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster". He said.

"For now". She gloated, her usual smile on her face.

Dumbledore stood there for amount before turning around. "Don't you all have studying to do?" He shouted.

Aurora frowned and watched as Harry rushed after Dumbledore. "No leave him, he needs to talk to him". Aurora said as Ron and Hermione we're going to follow him. She sighed and looked over at Umbridge to see her glaring at the space where Dumbledore had just stood.

Forbidden - Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now