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Aurora let out a loud yawn as she walked down the corridor. She walked towards the library. Tonight she would be patrolling for two hours, the joys of being a prefect.

Ron was somewhere on the fourth floor, and Aurora sometimes wished she was with him. Ernie was nice, she didn't have a problem with him but sometimes it's nicer to be around someone you know well.

Aurora frowned as she walked closer, her eyes landing on a brown haired witch.

"What are you doing here?" Aurora asked, her eyes landing on Pansy Parkinson.

Pansy turned to look at Aurora, a small smile on her face. "I asked could I be swapped out and go with you. No offence but Weasley is annoying". She answered.

Aurora smirked for a moment, her head nodding. "Well..Ron is very opinionated at times so it can be annoying". She muttered.

"I also wanted to talk to you about some things". Pansy said, her arms crossed.

Aurora nodded and started to walk, the Slytherin stepping in beside her.

"I...I'm not saying that I like you or that I want to be your friend, but out of all the Gryffindors your actually okay. Your not stuck up and pretentious as the rest of them, and your not annoying to be around. Plus your extremely smart but not a show of or not it like Granger". Pansy said softly.

Aurora rolled her eyes. "That's the second time I've heard that today". She muttered.

Pansy looked at her, her eyes soft. "You better not tell anyone that I've said any of that Aurora".

Aurora smiled slightly her head turning. "Don't worry Pansy, I won't let anyone know that your actually nice". Pansy let out a small laugh as she shook her head.

"Im not nice". She whispered, a small sigh escaping her lips. "I....I want to apologise properly for that day. Millicent went to far that day and she...she did deserve that punch. We haven't really been friends for a while, she's been more rude and horrible to people. She slapped me the other day...when you know you walked into the bathroom? She made Daph cry the other day, and that doesn't happen like ever. Even Theo was angry at her, him and Daph have a very close bond. What I'm trying to say is.....I'm sorry". Pansy said.

Aurora frowned slightly a weird feeling hit her stomach at Pansy's words. 'Close bond". It was obvious that Theodore and Daphne where close friends, but Aurora wondered if they were more than friends.

"You don't have to apologise for her Pansy. She's just a bitch". Aurora replied honestly, breaking the silence.

Pansy let out a small laugh her head nodding. "She really is. We've been friends since we were young, before we even came here. But now, her and Tracey have just changed. They think they are better then everyone else, the way they talk to people, it makes me sick. They have been hanging out with Montague and his gang, and if I'm honest he gives me the creeps". She whispered, her head shaking.

"Can I ask you something?" Pansy asked suddenly.

"Your gonna anyway aren't you so there's no point stopping you". Aurora answered.

Pansy smirked her head nodding. "True". She muttered. It was silent for a moment, like Pansy was thinking of what to say.

"I was in the library the other day with Daphne...and we saw you with Blaise".

Aurora nodded a small sigh escaping her lips. "Are you going to ask me if there is anything going on between us? The answer is no, there isn't". Aurora said.

"No..no that wasn't my question. I was going to ask, what do you say to him to make him smile and laugh so much? When he's with us, he doesn't really talk that much. He's quite reserved and he...he isn't like he is with you". Pansy responded.

Aurora wasn't expecting Pansy to ask her this. She thought for a moment, was he really only like this with her?

"Well, we just talk really. I'll tell him a lame joke and he will laugh at how terrible it is. We also do impressions of people in the school, like the other day we did Peeves, all though we did get into trouble for being so loud". Aurora smiled at the memory.

"Do you like him?" Pansy questioned.

"I...of course I like him, he's my friend. But don't tell anyone I said that". Aurora said her head turning to look at Pansy.

"No...I mean do you like him?"

Aurora frowned her eyes on Pansy. She could see the way the girl was looking at her and she understood straight away. "Oh my...you like him don't you? That's why your asking me?" Aurora asked, a smile on her face.

Pansy shot her a dark glare, her face stern. "Don't you ever say that to anyone, I mean it. Only two people, well three now know that". She said.

Aurora smiled slightly, her head shaking. "I won't tell anyone. For starters, if I tell anyone In Gryffindor I will get the third degree from my brother and his friends and it's not my place to say anything. I thought you liked Malfoy?" Aurora asked.

"I used to like Draco, well I thought I love him. But...I don't know this summer everything changed. I saw more of Blaise, we had a party with our families, and I....any feelings I had for Draco are now just friends. I still love Draco, but...more in a brotherly way. I will forever protect him, and always judge what ever girl he goes for because he deserves the best, but I don't feel that way with him anymore".

Pansy turned to look at Aurora again. "That's another thing I wanted to ask you. Why is it that your not part of your brothers little group? Everyone knows it and speaks about it you know?" Pansy asked.

"There his friends. I like them and we are friends but there always together, they are always talking to each other and going off and then I'll hear about it after. I guess, I sometimes like being on my own and I have my own friends". Aurora answered.

"Like Blaise?"

Aurora smirked and nodded her head. "Like Blaise, but I also have people like Neville, Ginny, George, Fred, Ang, Alicia, Katie. The list can go on, but I dunno Harry has his best friends I have my own". She said.

Pansy nodded, her eyes landing on something. Up ahead where two fourth years sneaking out of a broom closest.

"What do you two think your doing?" She asked, her arms crossed again.

The two Hufflepuffs looked up, there eyes wide as they had been caught.


"I don't want to hear excuses okay? Ten points from Hufflepuff now go to bed". Pansy snapped.

Aurora watched as the two Hufflepuffs rushed off out of sight.

"Only ten points? Love looks good on you Pansy". Aurora teased.

Pansy shot her a look. "Shut up Aurora". She muttered.

The two hours they spent together flew by, which Aurora was surprised about.

"I was thinking...would you help me and Daphne with Transfiguration?" Pansy asked.

"Sure, we can plan a day to meet in the library". Aurora answered.

Pansy looked up at her, a small smile on her face. "Thank you Aurora, I won't tell anyone obviously I don't want anyone knowing I'm friends with a Gryffindor".

Aurora smiled her head shaking. "Of course".

"Night Aurora".

"Night Pansy".

Aurora watched as Pansy walked off into the dark corridor a small sigh escaping her lips as she turned to walk.


She turned around to see Ron running towards her. "Hey". He said as he caught up. "I was just checking, she didn't say anything to you did she? Or do anything? Ernie said that Parkinson had swapped with him so you two where together".

Aurora shook her head, her arms wrapped around her body. "No...she was okay". She said.

The walk back, Aurora hardly listened to what Ron was saying as she thought about how Pansy had acted.

More importantly how she said they where friends.

Aurora didn't know if this was a genuine thing, or if it was all a ploy.

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