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Aurora struggled as Millicent grabbed her arm. "Get off". She spat as she stood still, putting all of her dead weight on. Aurora turned around to look at her, a sneer on Millicent's face. Aurora sent one back, her face srunched up in anger. Millicent held her tighter and dragged her along. "Get off me". She shouted, but Millicent ignored her.

They where dragged to Dumbledore's office. Aurora looked up at him as he was sitting down, his eyes drifting along the students that where dragged into his office. His eyes had finally found her own, a small twinkle formed in his eyes, which caused the young girl to calm herself for a moment. She turned her head to see Graham Montague dragging Harry along, Cho standing beside them. She shot a glare towards Fudge as he was looking down at a piece of parchment.

"I've been watching them for weeks. See, 'Dumbledore's Army', is proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning. All your fear- mongering about You-Know-Who never fooled us. We saw your lies for what they were....a smoke screen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry". Umbridge said.

"No, no he had nothing to do with it. It was all me. I created the group, I told them to join". Harry shouted out.

"It's most noble of you Harry, to shield me but, as it has been pointed out, the parchment clearly says, "Dumbledore's Army", not, "Potters". I instructed Harry and Aurora to form this organisation and I alone, am responsible for its activites". Dumbledore said.

Aurora shook her head at him and struggled to get out of Millicent's grasp. Graham Montague stepped forwards and seized her other arm. "Stop struggling Potter". He spat, as he applied pressure on her arm.

"Piss of Montague". Aurora spat, her eyes dark. This caused Montague to smirk, as he applied for forced on her arm, causing her face to scrunch up for a moment in pain.

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet. If you hurry it will still make the morning's editon. Dawlish, Shaklebolt, you will escort Dumbeldore to Azkaban to await trial for conspiracy and sedition". Fudge said.

" Ah, I thought we me might hit this little snag". Dumbledore muttered as he turned his back to them.

"You seem to be labouring under the delusion that I'm going to....What was the phrase?....come quielty. Well, I can tell you this, I have no intention of going to Azkaban". Dumbledore said.

"Enough of this. Take him". Umbridge shouted.

Dumbedore winked at Harry before raising his hands. Fawkes came swopping down and a fire erupted the two of them vanishing.

Everyone watched as Fudge, Umbridge, Shaklebolt and Dawlish where thrown backwards.

"Whoa. Well, you may not like him Minister, but you can't deny....Dumbeldore has got style". Shaklebolt muttered.

The next day they looked up as Filch was nailing a new decree to the wall.


Aurora turned to look at Harry with angry eyes. "This is bad". Hermione whispered.

Aurora sighed, her head shaking. "You think". She muttered, as she crossed her arms. Harry nodded his head, turning to look at his sister who was looking back up at the decree. "Come on, let's go". Harry said. Aurora nodded as she started to walk away, Harry, Ron and Hermione following.

They all stopped still, when they heard the sickening, "Hm hm". Aurora turned her head, trying her hardset to not roll her eyes at the woman in pink standing near them. "There you four are. Detention, for a month starting tonight. Don't be late. And don't forget about your other detention Miss Potter. You will be staying a extra hour". Umbridge said, a smile on her face. Aurora glared daggers towards Umbridge, her mouth opening as she went to say something. She let out a small huff as Harry grabbed her arm, pulling her away.

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