Chapter Seventy-One

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"I locked the door..." I take one step towards the door before Rylie grabs my arm, gently pulling me back. "I know I locked it." My wide eyes meet hers, begging her to believe me.

"I know, baby. I saw you lock it. See how the doorknob is a little bit weird?" Rylie's voice is soft and calm. "That means whoever did this used tools to get in. I don't think they stuck around long, but maybe we shouldn't go in yet."

"But what about Harvey and Sammy? They usually bark at the door, what if they got out? What if they got taken?" My breathing quickens as I struggle to stay calm.

"Hey, it's okay. They're smart puppies, maybe they're just hiding." Rylie reassures me, but I can feel the worry in the way she grips my hand, the way she studies the door, chewing on her bottom lip as she thinks. "Stay here, okay?" Rylie says before moving to the door.

The protest gets stuck in my throat and I swallow nervously as I watch Rylie. She listens at the door for a full minute before turning back to me. "I don't hear anything, they must've left quickly. Will you stay here while I check it out?"

"Not a chance." I say, my initial fear and shock pushed aside by my protectiveness for Rylie. "Even if they are gone, I'm not letting you go in there alone."

"Okay." Rylie smiles softly. I follow her quietly into the apartment, instantly scanning for anything out of place.

"I don't think they took anything..." I say. The apartment looks exactly how we left it. As we move towards our bedroom, a small, muffled bark reaches us. Rylie rushes into the room, and I choke back a sob as she opens the closet, revealing Harvey and Sammy huddled in the corner.

"They're okay," Rylie's voice sounds as relieved as I feel. "Look how smart you two are." She coos, kneeling down as the puppies run towards her. "I'm going to call the police. I don't know if they can do anything, but we can at least make a report."

"Okay." I answer, watching as Rylie heads back into the kitchen. When I turn back to the puppies, something on Harvey's collar catches my eye. "Hey buddy, what do you have?" I use one hand to keep him still while carefully pulling a piece of paper from the ring of his collar. "What..." My voice trails off as I open what looks like a note.

I thought you might need a reminder to play by my rules. Consider this your motivation to keep Rylie in the dark.

"What the fuck..." Heat begins filling my chest, my cheeks reddening as the anger builds.

I force myself to take several deep breaths, hoping to calm myself. This note only makes it more obvious that this is some sick game, and I'm not the one in control.

At this point, all I want is to tell Rylie. She would know what to do. But going to her isn't an option. Telling her is against this person's stupid rules, and I have to remind myself that I'm keeping it a secret to keep her safe, not to hurt her. My fingers make their way to my wrist as I think, and I glance down in confusion several seconds later as a faint sting draws my attention.

Fuck... I quickly pull my sleeve down, hiding the new scratches. I can't.

Not while Rylie is here. But once she's on her trip...

Shut up. I shove the other voice from my mind.

I bite my lip, considering my options. I briefly consider just telling the police, but what would I say? 'He, here's the phone number of my stalker, who also happens to be the person that broke in, but it's a burner phone so she probably doesn't keep the same one for long. Oh, and she also happens to be in love with my dead ex boyfriend/rapist, so she's probably just as crazy as him.'

A North Carolina AutumnWhere stories live. Discover now