Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Hi:) First off, I want to apologize for such a long wait between chapters. I've been dealing with some mental and physical health things, and the majority of the time, it is nearly impossible to force myself to write. Today, I was finally able to write after nearly 2 months of not being able to, and it felt amazing! I don't know if it'll stay that way, but I'll do my best to keep writing as much as I can.

I am so thankful for all of you who have stuck with me even during these weeks/months where I don't post anything. You all mean so much to me, and wish there was a way I could repay you! Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, and I'll hopefully get back to posting more frequently!:)

The first two port days fly by way too quickly, and although I try not to think about how much money we spent on souvenirs and activities, both at Mahogany Bay and Grand Cayman, I know we will never forget the memories.

Both ports had been amazing, but Rylie and I both loved Mahogany Bay, mainly for the zipline we'd done twice. The whole island was beautiful with green trees and hills, and was surrounded by the most stunning blue water. The zipline went from the top of one of the tallest hills on the island, all the way down to a floating platform on the water where a boat waited to take us back to shore. It was only a five minute zip line ride, but Rylie and I were in awe the entire time, and didn't hesitate to ride a second time. The views surrounding us the entire time as the wind rushed past us made it 100% worth the money.

I'd taken my camera despite being terrified of what could happen to it, and I was so glad I did. Thanks to a gimbal I'd purchased before the trip, I'd gotten some great videos along the ride. I tried not to think about how many pictures and videos I'd already taken during the whole trip, and how long it would take to go through all of them once we got home.

As Rylie and I stand on our balcony, I'm just as stunned by the beauty of Cozumel as I was by the previous two ports. Luckily, our cabin is on the same side of the ship as the dock, and we can see workers below readying the ship and dock for debarking passengers.

The same beautiful blue water surrounds the ship and dock, and it gains a deeper blue the farther away it gets from port. I can see another cruise ship nearing us, preparing to dock in the spot to our left, next to yet another, smaller cruise ship.

 I can see another cruise ship nearing us, preparing to dock in the spot to our left, next to yet another, smaller cruise ship

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"Is it going to be crowded with all these other cruise ship passengers?" Rylie asks skeptically from beside me. We're both dressed in our swimsuits and cover ups, and Rylie wears the backpack full of the stuff we'll need for our day in Cozumel. I suddenly couldn't keep my eyes from wandering her body, loving the way her coverup left areas of skin exposed.

She had on a white bikini, and her grey cover-up was currently doing everything but covering up. The buttons weren't buttoned at the moment which left the fabric swaying in the wind, providing me the occasional perfect view of her tanned and toned stomach. Seeing that only brought back the memory of last night, the way my fingers had traveled across that perfectly soft section of skin, the way her back had arched when I...

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