Chapter Sixty-One

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A/N: Hello my good people, happy (late) 4th of July! I hope y'all are having an amazing Saturday:) As always, apologies for the long wait on updates:')
In other news, I decided I was determined to make it to North or South Carolina this summer to go to the beach, even if I had to go alone. (Not safe, I know lol) But I did convince one of my brothers and two of my guy cousins to come with me, and they're all over 6 feet tall so I don't think I'll have anything to worry about lol. I booked us a place and plane tickets yesterday, and I'm planning everything out but I am very excited. It means more pictures of beaches and Ferris wheels:)
Anywho, enjoy the chapter! I know it ends in a way that may frustrate y'all, but I'll get the next chapter up asap to get you your smut;)

After a brief intermission for what we'll refer to as a quick cardio session, Rylie and I resume going through the rest of the photos. Rylie giggles as I throw my sweatshirt back on, covering my naked body.

"You don't have to cover up, love. I wouldn't mind seeing that perfect, delicious body of yours in between each picture..." She murmurs, her gaze setting me on fire. I still haven't fully recovered from what she did to me less than five minutes ago, so it's a struggle to keep myself composed.

"Your offer is tempting, but I'll stay covered for the photos that are coming up." I giggle as Rylie flips to the next picture, revealing a group one from the wedding.

"Oh, I see." Rylie laughs. "It's an understandable sacrifice that won't go without reward." She smirks, bringing a blush to my cheeks yet again. "These prints did turn out amazing, though."

I scoot behind her and rest my chin on her shoulder as she goes through the wedding pictures. "It helps that everyone was so photogenic." I comment with a smile.

"Look at the boys." Rylie giggles, pointing. The triplets wear matching grey suits and greyish blue ties, looking far too grown up.

"And Harper in her adorable dress!" I add. Spencer stands next to the boys in this picture, his suit and tie matching theirs. He cradles Harper in one arm so she faces the camera, a genuine smile on his face.

The next picture has Rylie with her siblings, this time she holds Harper while the boys surround her. Spencer has one hand in his pocket, his other draped across Rylie's shoulders and his pointer finger clutched in Harper's tiny fist. The three boys stand in front of Rylie and Spencer in the funniest position that they came up with on their own. Aiden and August stand on either side of Asher, each with an elbow propped on Asher's shoulders. Asher stands between them with Rylie's bouquet clutched in his hands in front of him, a wide grin on his face. Aiden and August reach with their other hands to hold the bouquet as well, both with matching grins.

"It's almost scary how funny they're getting to be." Rylie giggles as she flips to the next picture, showing the three boys each down on one knee in the sand, their hands clasped and resting on their thighs, with faces as straight and stony as they could manage.

While the boys had been goofy in a lot of pictures, there were also plenty where they'd been smiling like normal. That had been a relief when we first went through the wedding pictures.

"This is one of my favorites." I smile. Rylie kneels in the sand in this picture, the train of her dress spread out behind her. Spencer kneels next to her, balancing Harper on one knee. The triplets surround a laughing Rylie as they each kiss her cheek.

Next are a few of just Rylie and I on the beach the day of our wedding, the love evident in the way we held and looked at each other. I'd also added a few from our engagement pictures, some from last summer and our trip with Hadley and Jack, and all of my favorites from the shoot with Rylie at the marsh.

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