Chapter Sixty-Three

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During our movie, I snuggle closer to Rylie than normal, if that's even possible. I'd taken things in my life for granted before, but Rylie is the one thing that I'm determined to never take for granted.

I've also been toying with the idea of planning some sort of trip to spoil her and make up for everything I'd put her through during the last few months. After the way she comforted me this morning, I'm only more set on planning something for her.

I smile to myself and turn my attention back to the movie, watching as the Grinch shoves some coal into a child's stocking. "That would've been what Gabe got for Christmas if he were still alive." I say this under my breath, but Rylie hears me anyway and snorts as she tries to hold in her laugh.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for..." I giggle, not really all that sorry.

"Am I allowed to laugh?" Rylie asks hesitantly.

"Please." I smile, relieved at her reaction. "Gabe sure as hell wouldn't have found that funny, which makes it better."

"I don't think he finds anything funny lately. You know, because..."

"He's dead." Rylie and I say in unison, which only brings on another fit of laughter.

"It feels really good to laugh about this, especially knowing there's nothing he can do about it." I say once we calm down.

"I agree wholeheartedly." Rylie smiles, gently squeezing my hand. "Although even if he were still alive, he still wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Wanna know why?"

"Because you'd break his nose again?"

"No," Rylie pauses. "Well, yes. But mostly because I know you wouldn't let him. Once you got away from him, he completely lost his hold on you. The blindfold he kept over your eyes was ripped away, and you started to see him for who he really was."

"A cruel, insecure, disgusting, dirt covered, potato peeled asshat." I grin.

"That's my girl!" Rylie laughs, her blue eyes shining. "I think, if given the chance, you would break several of his bones."

"You're damn right I would And maybe I'd accidentally kick him hard enough to ensure he could never reproduce." I add with a satisfied grin.

"Or it could be on purpose. I would never tell anyone." Rylie shrugs. "Heaven knows that's what I almost did that night in the alley."

"Why didn't you?"

"Believe me, I heavily considered it. But that 2x4 to his head ended up being extremely satisfying, so that was good enough for me." Rylie laughs. "I still remember the crack of the wood as it connected with his head..."

"Me too, actually." I laugh. "That's one of the last things I heard before blacking out."

"It's a fond memory for me." Rylie starts to laugh, but quickly stops herself. "Not the other stuff, though... I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

I gently cut her off, taking her hand. "It's okay, Ry. I know what you meant. That sound is a fond memory for me too."

Rylie lets out a breath, visibly relieved. "I know talking about this, about him, is still hard for you, so I never want to go too far and say the wrong thing."

"I know, love. It has been hard, but it's getting a lot easier because of you. You're always perfect when we talk about this stuff."

"How did I get lucky enough to marry such a sweet, reassuring girl?" Rylie asks softly.

"Have you met yourself? I ask myself that every day, because you are the whole package and then some!" I argue, determined to prove that I'm the lucky one in this relationship.

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