Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: Hey... sorry... I know I said I'd upload this one a day after the last one... but things got busy haha. Anyway! Here she is, I hope you enjoy, and there is smut:) I hope y'all had a great 4th of July, and that you have a wonderful week!

"I remember." I finally reply, somehow managing to keep my voice from shaking.

"Good. Because it's later." She murmurs the moment before pressing her lips to mine. Her lips are sweet, tasting slightly of the salt from the breeze that constantly surrounded us up on deck. They move expertly against mine, and I'm glad I'm already laying down as my legs seem to turn to jelly.

Rylie then pulls the covers aside and climbs beneath, slipping her body between my legs. Her lips find mine again in time to take in my sudden moan as her thigh presses against the sensitive place between my legs.

"Mmm... you like that?" She asks in the low voice that I loved.

I force myself to answer, knowing that's what she wants. "Yes..." I manage to say, feeling my steady voice begin to betray me. "It feels so good." I confess into her ear as I press my hips up against her.

I watch as a satisfied smirk slips onto her lips moments before she reaches over to shut off the lamp, leaving only a dim glow from the soft orange overhead lights around the room. She kisses me again, harder this time, and I'm no longer in control of my body as her hands roam over my exposed skin.

"You're perfect, baby." She murmurs against my lips, her words building the heat low in my stomach. She was only making me want her more with each second that passed. With each word she spoke.

But then, I have a thought.

Wasn't I supposed to be the one making something up to her? That thought is enough to bring back my confidence, and without waiting another second, I lift the hem of her t-shirt with one hand before slipping my other beneath her panties. My fingers know exactly where to go, and I'm pleased to find her already wet. I'm even more pleased with the sound that slips from her lips, a soft, beautiful mix between a gasp and a moan.

"Aspen..." Rylie moans, closing her eyes briefly as she feels the pleasure my fingers are bringing. A moment later, her eyes meet mine again, filled with a deep desire.

"Shh..." I whisper with a smirk as I look up at her. "Let me love you." I finish before putting my hands to her hips and pulling her closer until she's straddling me. Once she's where I want her, I tug at the waistband of her panties, meeting her eyes with a slow grin. She obeys my silent command and quickly slips the panties off before returning to where I want her, scooting up slightly to give me more access to her.

With no more fabric standing between my fingers and her swollen center, I return my right hand to its earlier position between her legs, enjoying the way her head drops back momentarily as I move my fingers in a slow circle. Her mouth drops partially open as a moan slips from her lips.

I slide my free hand beneath her shirt and up her bare stomach before stopping to cup her breast, squeezing gently. This only pulls more moans from her, and she begins moving her hips slowly against my hand. I take that as my invitation to add to her pleasure, and I slip two fingers inside of her, keeping my thumb against the outside where I knew it felt best.

The combination of my fingers does exactly what I want it to. Rylie gasps, and her hips begin moving faster as her head drops back again. "Fuck, Aspen..." She moans. One of her hands rests on my stomach, her fist clenching my shirt while the other moves to cover my hand as it explores underneath her shirt.

This only turns me on more, and fuels my desire to bring the pleasure her body was craving. The pleasure her body deserved. I begin moving my fingers faster, and with each moan that leaves her mouth, the heat deep in my stomach only builds.

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