Chapter Seventy

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Despite my determination to not let her get to me, I can't stop the prickle of fear as I read the last message. I chew on my bottom lip as I consider my options.

Blocking her is no longer one of those options. I have no way of knowing if her threat is empty or not, but I refuse to risk anything now that Rylie is involved.

I drop my eyes to my phone as another text comes through.

Unknown- I'll give you some time. And Aspen, keep this to yourself.

I guess ignoring them is out of the question. I think, letting out a frustrated sigh.

I still have no idea as to who this could be. I'd already assumed it was a girl early on, but today's messages confirm that. Unless Gabe had a secret male lover, which I highly doubt based on his reactions towards the news of my same sex attractions. He made his homophobia obvious on multiple occasions.

Whoever she is, she obviously loved him. I can only assume he did a great job of hiding things from her. Or maybe she's crazy. No sane person would overlook the things Gabe did.

I'm leaning more and more towards the 'she's crazy' option, which only builds my worry more. I can only imagine the things she's capable of, especially with Gabe's death being her fuel.

"Gabe was the love of her life..." I mumble under my breath. Who could she even be?


I take another minute to calm myself before joining Rylie in the bedroom. She has her suitcase on the bed with stacks of clothing surrounding it as she decides what to pack.

"Sorry I made a mess," Rylie says without looking up from the pair of scrubs she's folding. I catch a hint of stress in her voice and move towards the bed to see if I can help.

"This isn't even close to a mess, Ry. You're the least messy person I know, especially when you pack."

"Thanks." Rylie gives me a small smile. I lean in and press my lips to hers until I feel her relax slightly.

"How can I help?"

"Um... can you start putting these piles into the suitcase?" Rylie asks, pointing to three of the piles to the left of the suitcase. I nod and start putting them in, carefully rolling each item so they're easier to fit. While waiting for Rylie to decide on more clothing, I grab the remote to turn on a movie, hoping it will help distract Rylie from the stress. I smile as she starts humming along to the soundtrack, knowing it worked.

After nearly 30 minutes, Rylie steps back from the bed, her hands on her hips. "I think we're done! That didn't take long at all!"

"It's because you're the most efficient packer I've ever seen." I grin.

"I try." Rylie giggles before kissing my cheek. "Thank you for your help."

"Of course." I smile before taking her hand, pulling her towards the bed. "Ready for a nap?"

"More than ready." Rylie nods enthusiastically, setting her suitcase on the floor before pulling back the covers.

I pull her against me as she climbs into the bed, breathing in as she rests her head on my chest. "You smell really good."

"Thank you," Rylie giggles. "I try really hard."

"You don't even have to try. I always love how you smell."

"Well, I love you." Rylie counters, tilting her head up to grin at me.

"I love you, Ry." I laugh softly, the smile not leaving my lips as I drift off.

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