What Could Have Been

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As you can probably tell, I'm posting this book a bit more frequently because I don't want to make y'all deal with the sad chapters for days on end haha. I'll try and type up as many as I can and post them as frequently as possible!

When Rylie's parents finally come back to the waiting room, Jeremy and I jump to our feet. Well, I carefully and slowly get to my feet so as not to wake Harper, who is fast asleep in my arms. I'd spent the last while watching her, unable to tear my eyes from her perfect, sleeping face.

"Any updates?" Jeremy is the first to ask.

"Not really. They're worried..." Brad pauses, and swallows hard. "They're worried she won't make it through the night."

The breath whooshes out of my lungs. It takes me a moment to understand his words. I must've misheard him, that couldn't be true. I slowly sit back down in my chair, not trusting my legs to hold me up. Trying to distract myself, I stare down at Harper as Brad continues.

"They're going to keep monitoring her all night, but they recommended we all go get some rest. We're going to book rooms at OceanView since it's the closest hotel." Brad Says. "Aspen, is your mom on her way?" My eyes lock with his and I see a raw pain there that I'm sure must mirror my own.

"Yes. She's meeting me at our hotel... It's at Oceanview too."

"Okay. The doctors talked about moving Rylie to a bigger hospital, maybe Charlotte, but they haven't decided yet. For now, we're just planning one night at the hotel. How long is your reservation for?"

"We were going to check out tomorrow morning."

"Okay. I'm assuming you'll want to be back here as soon as possible?" Brad's eyes are soft.

"Yes. Please."

"Of course. You love her just as much as the rest of us. Let's plan on meeting back here at 9:00am."

Dillon and Kristen nod before Kristen carefully takes Harper, buckling her safely into her car seat. She gives me another hug once she's finished.

"I'm glad you were with her when it happened. She's going to be okay."

We can only hope.

Jeremy walks me to my car before saying goodnight. "I'm leaving my phone on, so call me if you need to and I'll be where you are as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'll see you right back here at 9:00am. After a good night's sleep."

"As good as can be expected, all things considered. Thank you, Jer." He gives me a long hug before getting into his car, and I get into mine.

It instantly feels wrong. I assume it's just because my seat is not in the right spot since Ava drove the car here, but even after I readjust everything, the feeling is still there. Then I realize it's the absence of Rylie. The thought brings a new wave of emotion, but I swallow it down before pulling onto the road.


I can't do it. I think as I stand outside our hotel room door in the long, empty hallway. I couldn't go in there alone and see all of Rylie's things, not knowing when she would come back. Then I'm struck with the realization that she won't be coming back here.

Finally, after taking a deep breath and summoning all of my strength, I slide the keycard into the slot, and walk through the door, letting it close softly behind me. What's left of my heart completely shatters as I take in the scene before me.

The first things I note are the rose petals scattered on the floor and bed. Next, are the individual pictures hanging from strings on the ceiling. Pictures of Rylie and I. Then finally on the bed, I see the letter, the teddy bear, and the small box.

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