Back in Your Arms

978 31 32


This chapter marks the return of the smut. I know, I know, y'all missed it. It's okay, I did too;) Haha I hope y'all enjoy!

Jeremy, Ava and Emma get to the hospital around 9:00pm, and relief washes over each of their faces as they see Rylie alive and awake. "You could've at least called us to tell us what was going on." Jeremy laughs before moving to the foot of the bed. "Hey, Ryles. How ya feeling?"

"Good. Really tired." She laughs.

"The doctors were just about to kick us out so she could sleep." Sam says from the chair on Rylie's left.

"That's okay, we were planning on staying the night in Charlotte, so we can come back whenever you're awake and ready for us." Jeremy smiles.

"Thank you guys. For everything. I hear you're the reason I'm alive in the first place." Rylie says to Jeremy. 

"Well, one of the reasons. Derek and Austin did most of the work." He teases.

"Either way, I'm grateful. I'll never be able to repay you." She says, and I can hear the emotion in her voice.

"Hey," Jeremy moves to her side and leans down to hug her. "That's not necessary. I'm just so glad you're okay. We'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

"Okay." Rylie smiles, and Sam gives her another hug before following the others out the door. "I wish you could stay here." Rylie says, taking my hand and threading her fingers through mine.

"Me too. It feels wrong to leave you again after just getting you back."

"I love you, Aspen. In a couple of days, I'll be able to go home with you. Say hi to Harvey for me?"

"I will." I smile before leaning in to kiss her. I pull away all too soon as a doctor enters the room. "I love you. I'll be back bright and early tomorrow." I tell Rylie before walking out the door.

As soon as I get home, every single emotion from the day hits me. Harvey greets me at the door, and I quickly get him some food before collapsing on the couch with tears forming in my eyes. Rylie's bear sits next to my arm and I pull it to my chest as I cry, breathing in her scent.

The relief in knowing that Rylie was okay is the feeling I choose to focus on, and as Harvey climbs into my arms once again, I finally slip into a light, slightly restless sleep.


When I get to the hospital the next morning, Rylie is up and walking around her room. A nurse walks beside her, ready to help if needed. It doesn't look like it's needed though. Rylie holds herself with confidence, walking as though she wasn't in a coma for two weeks.

"Hey!" She says excitedly as she sees me. She instantly pulls me into a hug and I melt into the comfort and content I always find there. "How'd you sleep?" She asks me.

"Not great." I admit with a small laugh. "But I should be asking you."

"I slept great! And-" She grins. "I woke up!"

I laugh before kissing her cheek. "God, I missed you."


The doctors finish running their tests, and Kristen soon joins me in the hospital room as the doctors arrive with an update. "We've run every single test out there just to be sure she's okay and to make sure there wasn't any hidden damage.

They mean brain damage. I think to myself.

"We don't know how, but Rylie seems to be completely fine and healthy. She will be tired for the following days, maybe a week, but I can't find any reason to keep her here any longer."

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