Chapter 20: Violated and exchanging pt. 1

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Jimin goes downstairs seeing the shelf as he took some papers and Yoongi's Father was there sitting on the couch with his legs spread "Oh dear Jimin~ Yoongi made a mistake sending you down here alone." Jimin froze as he then was placed on Yoongi's Fathers crotch are and he made Jimin move his hips "Stop!" Jimin says a she tries to push away "No..." Yoongi's father says as he rubs it harder and Jimin has tears streaming down while Yoongi's father touched Jimin and Jimin pushes again.

' does he know where the paper is I will go check on him' Yoongi thought as he went downstairs to find his father touching Jimin and rubbing his crotch on Jimin's ass. Which Jimin was crying and kept pushing him. "Let him go!" Yoongi yelled as Yoongi's father looked and froze t wasn't me it was your slutty boyfriend he wanted a dick so he seduc-" "Shut up dad, I will tell mom about this!" Yoongi says as he picked Jimin up into his arms and rocks him back and forth "shh~ Your safe." Yoongi says and Jimin hugged him and clings onto him tightly. 

"Why get a soft boyfriend he cries all the time!"Yoongi's father asked and Jimin just cried harder. "What's going on here?" Yoongi's mom asked "Father was touching Jimin and calling him names." Yoongi explained "Min Se-hun! This is not the first time this has happened Yoongi has told me about incidents like these with the maids, and guess what one of them about 4 days ago got pregnant and guess who is the father? None other than my now ex-husband Lee Se-hun. Good thing we agreed on my last name for Yoongi because Lee will never fit him it shall always be Min." Yoongi's Mom says

 (cOoL fact: in this story Yoongi's Mom is actually the one who get's the most money and she. has paid everything even the mansion.) 

"Out of my house!" Yoongi's Mother says "But actually before you go sign this. It's the divorce papers." Yoongi's mom says bravely as she has no tears in her eyes as she is emotionless "Love don't do this!" Lee se-hun begs "Don't call me love call me by my name or just don't!" Yoongi's mom says as she snaps her fingers and the guards throw him out the mansion "think about." Yoongi's mom throws his the papers as she closed the door. 

"Jimin honey no one will hurt you now." Yoongi's mother said in a sweet voice "Yoongi will take good care of you, he will be here whenever you need him." Yoongi's mom says as she pats Jimin's head that wad on Yoongi's shoulder while his face stained in tears but managed to nod a bit.

"Rest a bit later we will do what I said." Yoongi whispers as he carried him upstairs and laid him on the bed and Jimin fell asleep while Yoongi is walking around his room as it was a bit dirty but was not smelling as he picks up his dirty clothes and puts the clothes in basket.

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