Chapter 14: Scared

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Yoongi found his release and came too as he was panting heavily, after a few moments Yoongi broke down into tears making Jimin wonder what happen as he has never seen Yoongi cry. Jimin gets up and puts his clothes on but Yoongi quickly hugged him "Please I am so sorry I am not worthy of you! Forgive me!" Yoongi begged and Jimin has tears in his eyes "You know I wish I could believe u but I can't you already did it twice to me and u promised you won't! So leave me alone right now let me think." Jimin says between his tears as he left and went to his next class which made Yoongi cry even more as he cried all the school day, and Jimin well he was in class sitting alone in the back as well as practicing and Jimin did want to forgive Yoongi but it was hard since he already did it twice. 

3:00 A.M end of school

Yoongi runs up to Jimin and hugs him as Jimin became tensed. As they went in the car... "Jimin did you think about it?" Yoongi asks as he is a bit scared what he is going to say "Yes, and I will forgive you but don't hurt me ever again!" Jimin begged as Yoongi nods But the words that came out Yoongi's mouth about finding a new boyfriend and he just becoming a slut was to much for him. Jimin cries as they get home and The maids are sleeping in there own rooms Yoongi gave them. "Baby please don't cry......*Remembers what he said to him* I didn't mean those harsh words you are the best boyfriend I could ever ask for so please don't cry!" Yoongi begs as he took him upstairs and hugged him tightly on the couch but Jimin did not want any hugs as he was scared and not wanting to trust him at all even if he forgives him it doesn't mean his trust will return that easily but slowly he did. Namjoon then kicked the door open and Jin was with him, Jimin was just scared as his breathing ragged and Yoongi holds Jimin close trying to comfort him as he wants to just have the ability to push away all the pain in Jimin's heart. Jimin is tensed but slowly clams down and Yoongi wrapped Jimin in a blanket rocking him back and forth.

(Sorry if this is a bit like cringy it will be but not all the time like every 4 or 3 chapters or more)

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