Outside The End P.5

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It wasn't that hard to spot the differences between the End and the Overworld.

There was quite the amount, Ranboo's eyes trailing from one new thing to spotting another.

His tails lay low behind him, dragging on the work of hoe making warm green grass cut into different shades of brown earth floor.

He could hear the two men in front of him whispering, and Ranboo knew enough English to get the gist about their conversation, but when he heard a long string of too many words he couldn't pronounce, he decided it would be better to tune them out.

He stared down at the grass below him, watching as the blades of green swayed when someone stepped on them.

His body immediately stilled when he felt a change in temperature, watching as the dark greens faded into shimmering white.

He let out a small surprised gasp, a low sharp sound with near like hissing at the end. Phil and Techno both turned around to look at Ranboo, who was slowly dragging his foot of off the path to kick at the white void.

When his foot met the snow, he let out a defending hiss. What did it do with the grass! Did it eat it?

Ranboo sneezed, shaking his head away from the weird white enemy and up at Phil and Techno, wondering what was their plan of attack to the cold substance.

He was not expecting to see Techno's face all scrunched up, before he double-overed in laughter.

This was no laughing matter!

This random sheet of white attacked the grass, and seemed to have won! Where will the flowers grow and butterflies live now!?

"Oh, leave the poor kid alone." Phil scolded, Techno wiping tears out of the corners of his eyes.

"Sorry, sorry." Techno exhaled, looking up to meet Ranboo's confused expression.

"You've never seen snow before?"

So thats the attackers label?

Ranboo shook his head, staring down to make sure none of his body touch said 'snow'.

"It doesn't bite, promise."

Ranboo let out an annoyed huff, his ear flicking up. Tell that to the nonexistent plants!

Phil looked to Techno who just shrugged, and they were back moving.

Ranboo's ears lowered as less and less grass poked out of the snow, temperatures dropping more and more. The sun still existed, so why so freezing?

His arms subconsciously wrapped around himself as he let out a breath of air, white smoke flowing out of his mouth.

Ranboo noticed Phil and Techno's steps getting slower and slightly more sluggish, so he whipped his head up to the building in front of them.

Hand crafted by wood, Ranboo noted, not big but not small definitely smaller than the castle-shut up, smoke flying out of a wooden pipe on the top.

There was much less 'snow' as it was shoveled out into a corner by a large gated area.

At the sound of a melodic whistle, his head snapped up.

The house was elevated, and with that elevation there was a small balcony like area but on the ground.

On that area of wood stood a man, dark brown curls long and covering his eyes, a streak of white displayed over the rim of circular glasses.

He was dressed to be out in this temperature more than the three of them, long brown coat and red beanie over his hair.

"Philza, Techno, good to see you, nice to see ya." He announced, with a similar accent to Phils, though less harsh.

"You're supposed to be out with Tommy. Why are you here?" Phil asked.

The brunet grinned and shrugged, leaning his hand off of the oak wood fencing.

As if on cue, a blur of blond, red, and brown dashed out of the house.


A new voice yelled, same accent but ten times harsher and ten times loud, Ranboo covered his ears in surprise.


Both Techno and 'Wil' snickered at the loud annoying voice and Phil's dark wings puffed out.

"Wilbur, I told you to take your brother to the shops, not give him hypothermia." Phil deadpanned.

'Wilbur' full name just shrugged, an innocent smile splayed across his face.

Ranboo's train of thought was interrupted by a sharp tug on one of his tails.

His jaw unhinged as he let out a pained screech, picking up the abused tail, covering the tuft of fur with both hands.

All eyes displayed on Ranboo, pained tail in hands with a blond raccoon hybrid by the end of his other tail and a guilty expression.

"Tommy! What the fuck!" Techno spat out.

"What! I didn't know if it was real!"

"Of course he's real- what were you even thinking!"

"he? Since when did we start putting names on Enderman? Ooh can I name one? I want to name it.. Austin!"

Ranboo's ears flicked back in offense.

This random guy just pulled on his tail, and is now dehumanizing him?

Naturally, Ranboo did not want to let that slide what a stupid comment from the commoner with a village house-

No, he wasn't mad because of that, that didn't mean anything, wouldn't let himself-

He was mad at him because he made a rude comment that needed to be corrected, and just that.

Before Ranboo even began his rant of common decency to the blond in front of him ,Phil beat him to it.

"Tommy. This is someone we met at the portals today. He is a person, and would appreciate it if you apologized to him." Phil said in a voice that would remind him of how his father would scold his posture at the dining table.

Don't let your shoulders fall, chin up, pleasant look on your face Rosalie, how will you ever attract a prince if you don't-

"Uhm- r-really?" Tommy's ears perked up and responded in the same way you would, y-yes father.


Tommy's posture immediately straightened.

"Sorry, I guess, for your tail, n'shit." Tommy rubbed the back of his neck, swallowing.

It had the same awkwardness as the way you would feel when your parents made you apologize to your sibling.

Ranboo's faced deepened a dark purple, this is where you're supposed to accept the apology-

"Thank you.." Ranboo muttered out in Enderman, rubbing his own shoulder in awkward tension.

Tommy's head flicked up at him in slight surprise and amazement, this Enderman replied to me! Don't know what the fuck he said, but he said something-!

It seemed as Tommy didn't believe shit of what Phil told him, but when he replied he had his whole world explode in front of him.

"He accepts your apology." Techno nodded to the raccoon hybrid.

"Since when could you understand Enderman?" Tommy added, in the same voice Phil had when he found out that Techno knew what Ranboo had wrote.

"Piglin and Enderman are like almost the same thing." Techno deadpanned, crossing his arms.



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