Travel 4,397 Miles With Me P.2

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"Ninety nine bottles on lean on the wall! Ninety nine bottles of lean! Take one down, hurl it at Jack! Ninety eight bottles of lean on the wall!"

For being in the middle of thrashing in a deads 'brain' with a broken bottle, Tommy was seeming to be having a fantastic time.

Tubbo on the other hand had a zombie in a chokehold, ripping its head off with a half satisfying, half disturbing crunch.

Ranboo, instead of shooting the zombie with the arrow, held it bare in his hands, stabbing it into the zombies dark red, fly filled eyes. After gluing it deep enough to pierce through the zombies brain, he retracted the arrow. The squelching and crunching of the zombies insides were enough to make him want to throw up.

When Tommy got to ninety three bottles of lean, all the once living people were on the ground.

Tubbo noticed one zombie still letting out its low, dead, growl and he stomped on its head, giving Tubbo the same weirdly satisfying crunch as stepping on a pile of fall leaves. Ranboo flinched, watching the zombie gets its head bashed in and he immediately looked away.

"Im gonna be sick-"

"Get used to it now bossman. Ain't gonna get any easier from here." Tubbo said, wiping his bloody hands on his worn out bomber jacket. He faced down at his combat boots, realizing how gross smashing into peoples organs made his boots look.

Ranboo let out a distressed sigh and looked to Tommy, who was poking at one of the zombies body with a random stick he found on the floor.

"Aint that a bit rude?" Ranboo deadpanned, snatching the bloodied stick from Tommys hands.

"What? They aren't getting any deader than dead."

"You guys don't find this like- morally wrong?"

"Ran, you got to realize that when they became zombies they were already dead. Heartbeat gone. Comprendo?"

"That doesn't make it any better-! Were making their fate worse than it already was!"

"Oh, so lets just, I dunno, let them eat are brains out I guess. Like your eyes being prodded out and eaten like a snack, Ranboy?"

Ranboo shuddered. How can these people talk so graphically and not even flinch?

"N-No, but-"

"Thats what I thought. Plus, were probably doing them a favor."

"Bashing their brains out with a stick is doing them a favor?" Ranboo deadpanned.

"No, but I wouldn't want eating people alive being on my reputation to XD up there. Plus, i'd hate if I had to live moving at a pace slower than a mile an hour. I also reckon human flesh doesn't taste that great."

More bile seemed to curl up in Ranboo's throat at that.

"Whatever. Let's just- can we please get out of here?" Ranboo asked, closing his eyes with a huff as he made eye contact with a bloodied body.

"Sure thing boss man." Tubbo said, swinging his arms behind his back and stretching.

"WOOO HOOO!" A tall brunette yelled, rubbing past by Tommy, turning around to make finger guns at the person chasing him.

"That was sick Tech!" The brunette, Wilbur, cheered throwing his hands up in the air.

Techno, who was hurling a bloodied axe behind his back snickered.

"Finished clearing the front?" Techno asked laying a hand on Ranboo's shoulder who flinched, his eyes unfocusing from the ants picking at a zombie to Techno.

"Oh- uhm yeah. You cleared the back?"

Techno hummed in response.

"Poggers. That means we can get into the building right? Oh please let us break in!" Tommy asked, his sharp teeth shining with each word, tail fluffed up and high behind him.


"Yes! Tubbo, race you to the top apartment."

"Dead on!"

Tubbo and Tommy both rushed to the abandoned building, shoving each other when one got too close.

"Watch for walkers in the building- please-!" Ranboo called out as Tubbo swung the door open, shoving Tommy behind him.


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