Family Buisness P.3

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Phil placed the food on a plate, Wilbur picking it up and sliding it on a spot at the dinner table. This action continued four more times before the pair walked to the table.

Tommy was already sitting down, Ranboo pulling out the chair next to him.

Techno found his spot in front of Ranboo and Wilbur sat next to him. Phil sat on the chair on the edge of the table, the seat in front of him empty.

Everyone picked up their utensils and began eating in a comfortable silence.

"I heard you three are taking the later shift?" Phil started.

Tommy nodded, slight soup pouring out of his mouth.

Wilbur made a gagging noise and made a disgusted face to the floor, pointing his finger to his mouth.

"Oh stomp breeing a bwaby Wilby." Tommy rolled his eyes, mouth full.

Ranboo giggled staring down at his plate.

"So Ran, any progress on convincing Tubbo?" Phil asks.

Ranboos smile faded, a frown with a hint of annoyance. His teeth gritted hidden under his frown. He really meant to reply to Phil, but for some reason he reacted more like an angered child.

Phil shook his head, answered un-verbally.

"Maybe we should just.. let him be?" Wilbur pointed his hand out.

"I would love to." Ranboo drew out, making random shapes with his spoon in the air.

"But that place is a fucking hazard. I know he likes his job, but he's kinda risking himself, and he doesn't even need the extra money from there." Ranboo said, a slight whine in his voice.

Ranboo shook his head, arguing slightly with himself.

"I guess we just leave him alone in this. No point on arguing with him about something that should be 100% his choice. He knows the risks, but is responsible enough to weigh it out himself." Techno pointed out.

Phil nodded and the table went back to silence.

A bit later, buzzing came from under the table. Ranboo pulled his buzzing phone out of his pocket.

He stared at his phone wide-eyed. He let the ringing continue, contemplating what to do with the phone.

His mouth was slightly agape, eyes darting everywhere but his phone.

"Ran, are you alright? Are you gonna answer that?" Wilbur asked.

Ranboo licked his lips, staring back at his phone leaving Wilbur unanswered.

With the last few seconds, the phone stopped buzzing. He let go of his phone, making its way onto the table with a thud.

"I'll be in the restroom-" Ranboo stood up anxiously, leaving his phone on the table.

Confused glances were shared between the people still at the table as Ranboo zoomed out of the room.

"What was-..?"

Tommy peered over at Ranboo's phone, tapping the screen.

The phone lit up, the home screen of Ranboo and Tubbo smiling at the camera appeared. The middle of the screen showed a notification.

Missed call: 1 minute ago:

Missed call: 3 minutes ago:

"Oh shit-" Tommy murmured, standing up, leaving his meal abandoned.

Tommy quickly made his way to the bathroom, knocking the door.

"Hey- hey Ranboo-! Are you alright in there?"

Tommy heard sniffling and shuffling from behind the door.

"Ran, Ran please, let me in."

No reply.

Tommy slid down on the door, hiding his face in his knees.

"Boo?" Tommy whispered.

"May you please,.. let me in?"

The door clicked open slightly. Tommy stood up, opened the door walked in and closed it.

"Hey Ranboo.." Tommy said, sitting down on the floor next to Ranboo.

Ranboo was hiding his face in his hands, shaking.

Tommy placed his hand on Ranboo's back, slightly rubbing it.

Ranboo picked his head up looking at Tommy with his tear stained face.

"Oh Ran." Tommy mumbled shuffling closer to Ranboo who threw his head on Tommy's chest sobbing.

Tommy wrapped his arms around Ranboo comforting him the best he could.

Tommy didn't know Ranboo's and his parents full history, but he could guess it was anything but good if Ranboo was giving reactions like that.

"I-I don't know what to do Toms.. they aren't backing off." Ranboo whispered through the sobs.

"Hey.. no matter what happens just remember I'm here for you. We all are. No matter what your bitchy parents say, or how much they try reaching out to you, I will help you get through all of it." Tommy soothed, his motions still slow and steady on Ranboo's back.

"Thanks Toms."

"Anytime Boo."

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