Why, apocalypse? P.4

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"Go, go!"

Sapnap yelled, lashing his sword into an infected.

Just a few seconds ago we ran into a horde.

"Shit, shit.." I turned around, looking at Quackity who was holding onto his thigh, blood trailing down his boot.

Dream pulled out a dagger, throwing it towards Karl who caught it and drew it through the undead next to him.

I quickly made my way next to Quackity picking him up. I had him on my back and I turned around.

"Ran-!" Quackity squealed from behind me. I kicked the zombie in front of us, smashing my boot into its face, crushing its skull.

"Ranboo, get Quackity far into the woods! We're right behind you!" George said, a panting Tubbo next to him.

I nodded, quickly running through the path we were originally planning on going through.

When we got far enough I placed Quackity onto a rock, slowly moving his leg out to check the whole scar.

"I-in my bag their should be a kit." Quackity murmured. I nodded and scurried through his bag. I pulled out the red and white box and frantically rummaged through the items.

I pulled out a cloth and dabbed alcohol onto it. I sighed, picking up the cloth and positioning it over his scar.

I pressed down lightly, Quackity sucking in a breath from under me. I cleaned around and over the scar, using my other hand to grab the roll of bandages.

I grabbed the blood and dirt stained cloth and threw it onto the floor. I wrapped the bandages around his thigh.

When I finished I scooted slightly away from him, both of us catching are breath.

Just on time, everyone came running towards us, Dream and Sapnap in the front with Tubbo in the back who had an infected's teeth stuck in his boot.

Sapnap slid next to me and Quackity, wrapping his arm around Quackity and picking him up.

"Can you walk?- or stand?"

"With a limp."


Tubbo sat down, poking at his boot and prying the teeth off of it.

"How does that manage to happen?" Tommy snickered, watching Tubbo gleefully.

Tubbo rolled his eyes and threw the teeth on the floor.

"Come on, we have to keep moving." Sapnap said, Quackity still latched onto him.

We all had our form of agreements and began moving down the trail.

Dream was in the front, the gps of the group.

Karl and George were slightly behind him, Karl holding onto George's arm.

Tommy, Tubbo, and I were in the middle, Tommy slightly ahead of me and Tubbo. Tubbo had wrapped his arm around my satchel strap.

Lastly, Sapnap and the limping Quackity were in the back. Quackity was doing his best at trying to hide or 'avoid' the pain, but it was hard.

"Do you think it's smart that the injured is in the back?" Tubbo questioned.

"Mm.. he is slowing down Sapnap a bit." Tommy pointed out.

"Ere, I got this." I said, closing my eyes.

One second later I was in the back of the group, next to Quackity and Sapnap.

"Is it alright?" I asked, startling Quackity.

"Ah-! Oh, oh yeah. It's.. somewhat bearable?" Quackity said.

I watched as Quackity silently winced with every step. "You sure?"

"Yeah, yeah, it'll.. it'll heal by tomorrow."

"Not if you keep waking on it, no it won't. Here."

I tapped Quackitys shoulder looking at Sapnap who nodded. I leaned down in front of Quackity, allowing him to hop on my back.

"Thanks Ran. You sure you got this?"


Sapnap nodded and hurried towards the front. I steadied Quackity on my back and pushed our way towards the middle again.

/// (unfinished)

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