Family Buisness P.2

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Not so much later a tiny fox came through the door, bouncing with every step. He looked like he had sucked up the energy of everyone in the world.

It never rained in his world.

"Hey Tommy!" He halted.

"Hey Fun-spot. What's up?" Tommy said, handing a woman her order.

"Nothing. My shift starts now though. I'll see you behind the counter?"

Tommy nodded and watched as the fox made his way through the tiny doors.

Wilbur walked out of the kitchen, his apron now gone.

"Alright I'm on my way. See you later guys." Wilbur said. He stopped when he saw the fox.

"Oh hey squirt."

"Hey Wil." He waved, squeaking.

"I got to go. Go ahead and text me when your shift is over, alright?"

The fox nodded and looked back to his work.

"Bye Toms."

"Bye bitch."

Countless hours passed and soon Tommy and Techno left the building, Skeppy and Jack taking their places.

Techno drove while Tommy sat in the passenger seat, tapping his foot to the beat of the random song playing in the radio.

When they pulled up to the house, Tommy hopped out of the car and towards the front door. He unlocked it and smiled his way in.

"Ah. Home sweet home."

"Well, you agreed to take the night shift, so you and home sweet home can only be together for three hours." Techno deadpanned from behind him.

"Oh, you shush it. Let me enjoy this."

Techno rolled his eyes and stepped past him. Wilbur was already there, making dinner with Phil, the father of the house.

"Hey dad. Hey Wil." Tommy smiled.

"Hey Toms."

"Welcome home boys."

Tommy placed his bag on the floor. "Where's Tubbo?"

"Out to the factory again." Wilbur said, his voice dropping lightly.

"Ranboo's here though. He's joining us for dinner." Philza said, watching the food cook.

"Your using Tubbo's boyfriend to replace Tubbo?" Tommy snickered.

Wilbur smacked his teeth. "Oh shut up and go upstairs." He rolled his eyes.

"Where is Ranboo?"

"Tubbo's room." Wilbur said. Tommy shuffled his way upstairs.

"Annoy Ranboo first or shower? Well, if I get showering out of the way, I can annoy him longer. Eh I guess."

Tommy opened the door to his room and chose some clothes. He grabbed a hoodie and some sweat pants and made his way to the bathroom.

After showering for about ten minutes he walked out, dried himself, and put in his clothes.

His hair was still a little wet and it draped slightly over his eyes, but he decided he would let it air dry.

Dinner wasn't ready, and Techno would kill him if he annoyed him, so he went to his last resort: Ranboo.

He knocked on Tubbo's door. "Y'llooo~ can I come in?" Tommy asks.

"Oh screw it, this is my house." Tommy thought, and opened the door.

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