Why, apocalypse? P.3

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We were out.

When I had got up Tommy and Tubbo were sleeping so I waited until they were ready to go.

We were now back on the trail, our eyes sharp as we looked around for any sight of danger. We walked in silence- well we did before Tubbo and Tommy yelled out my name.


I was startled and screeched, teleporting infront of a tree and falling back. "What the hell?" I yelled. "You almost walked into a tree, dumbass!" Tommy said. 'I guess not sharp enough' I thought. "Oh." My husband reached his hand out for me to grab and pulled me up. "You okay? You looked deep in thought." He asked me. "⊬⟒⏃⊑." I stepped back, confused on my I had replied in Ender.

"Oh uh- sorry." I coughed. I didn't need to reply what I had said in Ender, since Tubbo was pretty fluent in Ender himself, determined to learn when we married.

"Man had a language voice-crack." Tommy said, folding his arms. "⟟⎎ ⊬⍜⎍ ☊⏃⌰⌰ ⟟⏁ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ - then yeah." I said. "Damn, what is up with that?" I mumbled to myself. "Let's keep ⍜⋏- moving." I coughed. "DAMMIT." I yelled. My tail flickered angrily, accidentally hitting Tommy in the face.

"⌇⍜⍀⍀⊬!" I said, putting my hands up in the air, like I was surrendering.

"I'd like my apology in English?" Tommy said. "Sorry man. I didn't mean it." I rubbed my hand. "Does this usually happen? Language-cracks?" Tommy asked.

I shook my head. "Whatever, it's nothing. Let's just go." I said. Tommy shrugged and Tubbo followed behind me.

We crushed through the fall crunchy leaves. You know, if we weren't in the circumstances we were in currently, I would much more appreciate the view. All the pretty colors of the leaves, the birds singing. Though the fall is very pretty- it's not the most ideal season to move in the middle of an apocalypse. Winter is around the corner, and it's slowly getting colder and colder.

I'm afraid we won't have any where to stay for the winter. And that peaks my anxiety.

"Ran are you alright? You seem to be on edge?" Tubbo said, picking up his pace to catch up with me.

"Yeah just...Thinking."

"About?.." He asked.

"It's nothing just... letting my mind run a little too far." I said scratching my arm, uneasily.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine, grabbing my hand and lightly kissed it.

I sighed looking out at the yards of forest in front of us.

"Are we even gonna make it?" I said subconsciously. "We will." Tubbo said, squeezing my hand.

"I promise."


It was my turn to do look out. Well, really Tommy's but I insisted.

The fire was cracking in front of us, Tubbo curled around my left while Tommy piled over him.

I pet my husbands hair, deep in thought.

I heard a twig snap and my fingers wrapped around the sword that was an inch away from my hand.

It could be an animal, but I don't know that.

I placed Tubbo's head lightly on the ground before standing up.

"Is someone out there? If you don't show yourself I won't hesitate to snap your head off." I waved the sword around, looking deep into the woods.




A figure jumped out from the bushes and into my arms.

"Karl!" My tail wagged quickly and my arms wrapped out the shorter male.

"Karl are you alright?" I heard the familiar voice of Sapnap.

"Guys look, I found the children!" Karl squealed happily, letting go of the hug.

Soon enough Sapnap, Dream, and George came from somewhere down the forest. Running footsteps followed, and Quackity appeared, tripping over a twig and falling face flat on the grass floor.

"Oh thank lord." I mumbled to myself.

Tommy stirred up the commotion, tail perking up when he had made eye contact with Dream.

"Dream!?" He stood up running into Dream's arms.

It would make sense, since these two acted like the brothers they never had. Except they both have brothers. They like each other just a little more.

Dream squeezed Tommy in the hug. "Hey trashbear!"

Tubbo got up groaning and stretching his back. His eyes widened at the sight of much more people.

He waved, still a bit dazed.

They waved back.

Soon enough, the others joined us by the fire. Apparently, they were all together siting on the couch at Dream and George's house when the apocalypse was announced.

They had also gotten the memo of meeting everyone up at Phil's mansion, and that's where they were heading. They luckily bumped into us.

"How's it been for you three?" Sapnap asks, brushing his feathered fiancés wings.

"Not really as bad as I was expecting it to be. I mean sure, we almost died here and there, but aside from that we've been doing great."

Tommy said, playing with a stick from the floor. "Tubbo's been using the zombies as a way to get his anger out and Ranboo's too fucking paranoid to let me make any bad decisions. So we're doing good."

"How bout you guys?" I asked, fiddling with the bandages on my arm. I haven't changed them, and their getting a little uncomfortable.

"Pretty easy. Found out Dreams a killing machine, Sapnap's fire comes in handy, and Quackity's pretty good with herbs and healing." Karl pointed out.

"And George has been sleeping through the entire thing." He rolled his eyes.

"Wouldn't expect any less."

"That's hurtful." George yawned.

"You make it true."

"You're an ass."

In the morning we had breakfast which was mostly some of the gas station snacks we had gotten less than 24 hours ago. None of us were picky, and we were more than happy to share our food with the others.

"You guys heard about the train?"

I hummed. "We're trying to get there in time to make it."

The fire crackled, slowly burning out.

"What if.. if we miss the train?" Tubbo asks, voice low. His ear flicked.

"We won't." Sapnap deadpanned.

Tubbo's tail flicked, not satisfied with his answer.

"But..." Quackity gained his attention.

"I'm sure through any circumstance we're getting to your family. It just.. may take longer." Quackity said, grabbing Tubbo's hand.

He nodded.

"Alright." I stood up, cracking my back. "We should get moving."

The others nodded, everyone picking up their items and off we were.

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