Ace - One Shot

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A monster

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A monster. Thats what you were. You hated yourself for what you'd become. It wasn't your fault. You were the way you were because of those who made you this way. The town you once loved and the people in it, had banished you away. You just couldn't control the hunger and the ache in your bones for blood.

When you joined with a pirate crew only two of the people knew of your secret. Your captain, and the ships doctor, who could help safely supply you with human blood. It was hard holding back everyday at first, there was so many people in the crew, you could hear the blood pumping around their bodies, and you could smell an injury from a mile away.

Luckily you were relatively disciplined, and had been at this vampire gig for too long now. You were a proud member of this crew. The whitebeard pirates, and everything was fine until that nosy fire fist had joined. Just like you did with everyone else, you hid your dirty little secret, you just tried to keep your distance but he seemed intrigued to know you, and would find every excuse to talk to you.

You sat under an umbrella, covered head to toe on like usual on a sunny day because you'd get blisters. You were reading, yet he still came up to you. Again. "Whatcha reading?" He asked, looking down at you as you sat on a barrel. You closed your book at looked up at him.

"Nothing you'd be interested in" you looked up to him with a smile, as you swung your legs back and forth. "You're probably right" he chuckled, leaning beside you on a crate. You turned to face him. "Aren't you gonna go on the island with everyone else?".

Ace just shrugged "Thought I'd keep you company instead". You happily sighed, if he wanted to stick with you, who were you to tell him to leave. You went to reply when both you and Ace heard a commotion and a familiar scent hit your nose.

You didn't even have to look to know someone was injured, bad. "Hey what happened" Ace shouted looking concerned for your crewmate. "Marines". You saw the state of your crewmate and looked away, gulping. You tried to push the hunger lust.

"Are you okay? You've always been a little funny with blood haven't you" Ace questioned, placing his hands on your shoulders. You tried to focus on him, but the hunger was too present, it made you look out of it. "Come on". You didn't know where Ace was dragging you but once he shut you both in a room you felt better.

The smell of blood wasn't so prominent and you could get yourself under control. "Feeling better?" Ace looked concerned as his hands were still placed on your shoulders, as if you looked like you'd pass out without his stabilisation.

"I uh.. yeah thank you" you nodded. You felt ashamed, you had wanted to take your crewmates blood, and it wasn't the first time, even now your brain was wandering to his bloody body.. your eyes were lingering on Ace's neck even.

You looked away from him in shame as your heightened emotions came to the forefront. "It's fine.. are you alright? You just can't stand to be around blood huh?" Ace pried, trying to get to the bottom of your odd behaviour. You bitterly laughed in response, your eyes a little watery.

You didn't know what it was, maybe Ace made you feel comfortable, or you were tired of not having anyone to talk to about this but you spilled. "It's the opposite..". Ace furrowed his eyebrows clearly confused by your admission.

"What.. do you mean y/n?.." He seemed skeptical to ask but you had his curiosity piqued too much. "I.. what I'm about to tell you, does not leave this room" you looked him in the eyes with such a burning intensity, it almost controlled his head when he nodded.

You took a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm a monster..". You could see Ace's face contorting with confusion, but before he could ask what you meant you continued. "I suppose you could call me a vampire" you sighed. "I'm not squeamish.. I'm.. hungry" you cringed at your own words. Ace was silent for a second, as he looked at you, a little dumbstruck.

"For blood?" He queried, you closed your eyes and nodded. "I hate being this way" your voice cracked as you spoke. "I don't want to lust over my crewmates blood every time they get injured, I don't want to.. be a monster anymore" you spilled, it all just came out, you couldn't control the sadness you were dumping on him.

You felt his grip tighten on your shoulder. "I don't think you're a monster" he spoke very gently, as his thumb rubbed comfortingly on your shoulder. "In fact. I think the opposite, you resisted your natural urge for human blood right? How can you be a monster".

Ace's words made every tense bone in your body relax, your were looking at him as a warm emotion you hadn't felt in years overtook your body. "You.. aren't disgusted?" You whispered. "Don't say that" He sighed bringing you into a hug, his hand resting on the back of his head. His action shocked you, the trust he must've had in you to willingly hug you.

You hugged him back, tightly, not ever hearing words like his before. "You've really seen yourself as a monster this whole time?" He asked, as he pulled away. You sadly nodded, looking to the ground before meeting his eyes again. "My entire village went out of their way to remind me. That's how I ended up here" you explained, you watched as one of his hands tightened into a fist.

"They were wrong. They must've been mistaken. The y/n I know, is far from a monster". Your lip quivered as you couldn't hide the small smile that was forming from his comforting words. "Thank you Ace" you wiped your watery eyes. "That means more to me than you'll ever know".

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