Ace Scenario

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A/N: thank you for requesting!! I hope you enjoy!!

You sat at the bar, the bitter liquor burning your throat as you swallowed

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You sat at the bar, the bitter liquor burning your throat as you swallowed. It wasn't uncommon for your crew to come to bars when docked at an island. In fact it was often they frequented them. You watched the alcohol swirl around whilst you played with your bottle, sighing.

You were getting tired, not in a sleepy way, but tired of watching the crew flirting with every girl in the bar. You weren't surprised, it happened every time, you wondered why you even came with them at this point.

"You're all on your lonesome?". You jumped, suddenly noticing the man who circled you, taking up residence in the seat beside you. "I'm here with friends" you responded, without facing him, a bored tone laced your words. "Well I don't see them" he shot back leaning in closer to you.

You side eyed him, shuddering at his dirty grin, his stained teeth, unkept facial hair, and tattered clothes. "They're around" you insisted, willing him to leave. He popped a hand onto your thigh and you quickly slapped it off. "Come on darl', why don't you come on home with me".

You weren't sure if this was an attempt at flirting but it made you feel ill. Your eyes scanned the bar hoping to meet the eyes of your crew, but you couldn't find anyone in your panic. You weren't much of a fighter on the crew, that just wasn't you. Usually everyone did it all for you.

"You should leave me alone now" you growled, the anxiety growing more so. You watched as he frowned. "Not without you". His gaze lowered, and you shied away from him. "Not a chance".

You got up, attempting to walk to someone for help but he grabbed your wrist, tight. You gasped not sure what to do, more fear and panic arose in you, and for a moment you wondered if you should scream. "Have we got a problem here?" upon hearing the familiar voice you relaxed, wanting to cry but not until this man was gone from your sight.

"Mind your business buddy" the man spat, not letting you go. "That's just it, this is my business" Ace narrowed his eyes at the man. "You see they don't belong to you, and you don't belong here" Ace spoke, sending a chill down your spine.

Sure you'd seen Ace mad and you'd seen him fight, but he still usually held a sarcastic and playful tone and brought a pep in his step. You hadn't seen him so sinister before, especially not over you.

"This is where I live buddy, it's pirates like you that don't belong here" the man argued, standing to fight. He was smaller than Ace, but larger in size.

"You misunderstood" Ace started, removing his hat and safely dropping it onto your head. "I meant you don't belong here, on this earth". Before the man could make a move to defend himself Ace swung a punch at his face, his fist connected with his nose, sending him down into a crumped pile.

The man angrily wiped his nose, attempting to stand to fight. Before he could Ace swung his foot with a kick to his ribcage, before igniting his fist with flames. He picked him up by his shirt, throwing him over the bar. "I hope you better yourself buddy" Ace chided, losing the flames as quickly as they came when his hand captured yours. An attempt from you to stop him.

Once other people came tending to the man on the floor he turned to you, sliding his palm up onto your cheek. "Are you okay?" He asked, making direct eye contact with you. You nodded, unable to process what he had done for you.

You were grateful, but your heart was beating fast, the man in front of you was now coded so differently. Who you once saw as some bumbling idiot, you were now seeing as a hero.

"I was scared" you admitted as your voice broke. "I know" he comforted pulling you in for a hug, as he allowed his hand to reach up to your hair, twirling it between his fingers.

"I tried to look for you but-" you couldn't get your sentence out, your brain was too scrambled. As he pulled out of the hug he rested his hands on your shoulders. "Hey look at me" he spoke gently, with such genuineness.

"I won't ever leave you again if you don't want me to" he smiled, now grabbing your hands instead. "Come on let's go back to the ship, get you somewhere you feel safe".

Little did Ace know, you felt more safe in his arms then you ever had before. You smiled and nodded, allowing him to lead you away. "Sure, thanks Ace".

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