Jinbe - one shot

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Warm Days

A/N: I decided to leave it open ended as to whether it's platonic or romantic between the two, readers choice!

A/N: I decided to leave it open ended as to whether it's platonic or romantic between the two, readers choice!

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You shielded your eyes as you exited the girls dorms. The sun bore down on the Sunny, creating a gorgeous glow across the sea. Early mornings like this are the ones you enjoy the most.

You happily walked over to where you could see Jinbe enjoying his morning. "Hey" you greeted as you came within range of him. He looked up at you, smiling. You returned one as he scooted over to make room for you.

"Lovely morning isn't it" he remarked. You nodded fiddling with the book in your hands. "You can say no if you'd like" you started, looking to gage his reaction. However he remained still, focused on you and your words. You pushed yourself to continue. "I have this book I read, and I think you'd enjoy it very much".

Nervously you handed him the book, as he took hold of it in his much larger hands. "You thought of me?" He asked, touched. You nodded, "I did, I think it's because the main character reminded me of you" you sheepishly admitted.

A chuckle escaped his lips. "Then I shall read every page". Relief washed over you, as a sweet feeling swelled in your chest. "Then I'll leave you to it".

Thus led to you and Jinbe exchanging books, meals, hobbies, items that reminded you of one another. He asked Sanji to help him make a drink that reminded him of you, you found a newspaper clipping that you gave to him, and he grabbed you a gift from an island.

The crew loved watching you exchange these little meaningful gifts so much they eventually joined in on your fun tradition.

You have a shelf in the girls dorm dedicated to all the things Jinbe has collected for you, and you didn't know that Jinbe too treasures all of your trinkets, and it slipped your mind that he even still has the book you gave to him.

One Piece x Reader - One Shots, scenarios, headcannons, etc. OPENWhere stories live. Discover now