Ace x F!Reader

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Death and Rebirth
My first request!! Thank you!! I also live for angst, it's my favourite! So here you go, I hope it lives up to your angst hopes and dreams, bc I certainly had a good sob writing this!!

Death and RebirthMy first request!! Thank you!! I also live for angst, it's my favourite! So here you go, I hope it lives up to your angst hopes and dreams, bc I certainly had a good sob writing this!!

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Everything went in slow motion that day. You knew you shouldn't of ever let him leave the crew to pursue Teach, but he promised he'll be back. Seeing him like this now was too much. You froze as it happened, immediately turning to throw up.

You watched on as his brother, Strawhat fell to his knees in front of him. You cried as not long after Pops went as well, you didn't know which crew member led you back to the ship after your knees finally buckled, you didn't know how you all made it out alive, all you knew was you were now sailing away without your captain and without your lover.

You sat on the deck trying to breathe, trying to find the motivation to even begin processing this loss. "Y/n". Your tear stained face looked up to meet Marco's equally stained face. "Marco" you erupted into sobs and he sat down beside you holding you. "How, how can he be gone" you choked out. "How do we go on living without them". He shook his head, unable to answer.

He himself didn't know, he didn't know how the crew were to survive this. "I've got his hat" he croaked out. "You do" you wiped your tears turning to him as he placed it on your lap. You immediately took in his scent, allowing more tears to fall. "Thank you". "We all agreed you should keep it" he spoke looking up. You followed his gaze to the rest of the beaten, bloodied crew.


Over the coming weeks the grief was intense, you couldn't sleep, sometimes you'd wake screaming, hoping it was all a dream and he'd be next to you. Sometimes you could've sworn his arms were wrapped around you, but in reality you had never felt so cold. The sweats, nausea and and loss of appetite, none of that compared to the grief. You didn't even notice how ill you had become until Marco insisted on taking you to the infirmary to check you over.

You didn't want to leave your room, his scent was fading from the sheets, but you didn't want to waste a second away from what was left. As Marco gently fiddled with some equipment whilst gently reprimanding you for not taking care of yourself, you zoned out. You weren't listening, you just wanted to go back to bed. You could see he was pottering about back and forth around the room, but you didn't care to ask questions.

"Oh my god" his pure shock awakened something within you and you turned to him. Still not speaking, but it was a silent que to him to continue. "You're pregnant y/n". The words practically fell from his mouth. You froze, goosebumps lining your arms and legs. You couldn't be, this isn't how this was suppose to happen.

Ace was suppose to be here for this, hugging and kissing you, spinning you around. Gently caring for you, doting on you, kissing your stomach. Watching you give birth, losing his mind about making sure you were okay, and panicking over fatherhood looming over him. He should be having nights after nights of pillow talk with you, and naps. He was meant to be here.

You swallowed the lump in your throat as tears pricked your eyes. You managed to catch your breath and looked to him. "This isn't right" you whispered shaking. Marco quickly crossed the room and sat next to you consoling you. "I know". He sat with you for a long time in silence as you cried. Before letting you know that you were 20 weeks. You had another thing on your mind to process now.

You eventually went back to your room tucking yourself up in bed. The person you'd love to talk to right now would've been Pops, of course Ace, but nobody gave advice like your captain, like your father. That's how you all saw him.

For days you sat on this before deciding that you needed to live for this child. Despite being so far along you didn't show at all, therefore you kept it a secret, the longer you could do that the safer you and this child would be. Only Marco knew. You quickly adjusted yourself back onto daily life, before you knew it 9 months had passed by in mere minutes is what it felt like.

You were showing a bit more now, but Marco kept an eye on your pregnancy and on you and everything was perfect. You softly smiled to yourself in the mirror stroking your belly. "Mummy and Daddy love you so much, if he was here right now he'd be so proud" you spoke aloud to the baby. "Look at us, we are so strong" you continued looking up from your bump to the mirror. You could've sworn for a second you saw Ace stood behind you holding your shoulders. You gasped, spinning around to the empty room.

"Ace if you're here, I love you, we love you. We're going to be just fine" you called out. You wiped your tears that had unapologetically fallen. You missed him more and more everyday, but this little blessing inside of you helped your grieving process, and gave you something to live for. Ace gave you something to live for.


You screamed out in pain cursing anyone there. "Calm down y/n just breathe". You grit your teeth cursing Izou for his words. "You're not helping" Marco shouted attempting to shoo Izou away. Despite knowing he really did mean well.

"Okay y/n one more big push" Marco encouraged, seeing the head and shoulders. You screamed out as you pushed, hearing the cheers of some of your crewmates. You hazily watched as people ran around you helping Marco.

Quickly a tiny baby was placed on your chest as it screamed with such intensity. You smiled, even letting out a little laugh at your child. "He's got some lungs huh" Marco commented as he stood over you both. You looked up to him. "It's a boy?". He nodded.

"What's his name?" The blonde asked. Ace had talked about baby names with you once before in a little silly conversation you had. You thought back to that now.

"Babies? Isn't that too soon y/n" Ace teased. You giggled. "Yes, but don't most people have names in mind just incase?". He thought on it for a moment looking at you. "I always thought, if I'm lucky enough to be a father, I'd name my Son Edward" He grinned. "I love that" you complimented, thinking to your captain. "What if it's a girl" you joked. He looked shocked and then thought about it. "I don't know, why can't we name her after you or something".

You teared up as that memory flashed in your mind. "Edward, Portgas Edward".

One Piece x Reader - One Shots, scenarios, headcannons, etc. OPENWhere stories live. Discover now