Killer - one shot

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A helping hand
GN Reader

A/N: Finally some love for my love!! Thank you for requesting this one!! I love him a lot

A/N: Finally some love for my love!! Thank you for requesting this one!! I love him a lot

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You were strong, of course you had to be to be a part of the Kid pirates. Your strength demanded respect amongst all pirates, and you were known all across the Grand Line with your high bounty.

However those who truly knew you knew, you weren't like the demeanour you masked with, you were kind, and soft, and always cracking jokes. It was rare to see you without a smile, something your crew loved about you. You brought a newfound liveliness to the Victoria Punk.

Your Captain, Eustass Kid, his right hand man, Killer, and you fell into a fast friendship, something the red head had never expected to happen. This meant you spent a lot of time with him and Killer, and Kid used to love spending time with you both but now things have changed.

He notices how you playfully touch Killer when talking to him, or seek him out to show him something. He noticed the blush on your face. He wanted to make you a mask to hide it, it was so obvious.

He also noticed how Killer seemed to positively react to these not so subtle changes in your relationship, and out of anyone in this world, Kid knew Killer the best. He knew his mannerisms, and he was 99% sure Killer liked you back. Which of course drove him up the wall to witness, with it going nowhere. He wanted the best for his friend of course.

He was currently watching as you you were sat with Killer, chatting up a storm as Killer leant on his arm listening to you. Kid grunted sitting back. He had to do something about this, he couldn't stand it anymore.


You walked across the deck, you were looking for Killer. You were on a mission to find him. On the last island you managed to leave with a recipe for a sauce for Spaghetti, you knew he'd love it. Before you could even begin looking for him you bumped into a red wall.

"Captain my bad" you apologised, hoping he wasn't in a violent mood today. "Come with me" he ordered briskly walking away. You swallowed, your throat suddenly feeling dry. You weren't one to go against your Captain though, so you followed.

He silently lead you to his quarters, not so gently, slamming the door behind him. Before you could even confront him on his intentions, he beat you to it. "I know your secret". His scowl sent shivers down your spine. You weren't even sure what your secret was.

"Do enlighten me Captain" you replied, folding your arms. "Don't shit me y/n, I know all about your little crush". You couldn't for the life of you figure out how he knew, you hid it so well?

"Please, Captain we're just friends" you lied, hoping to be rid of this conversation. You never meant to fall for the blonde man, but you found that nobody listened like he did, or offered words of encouragement the same way he did. Nobody ever cared to ask about your day like him, or do nice things for you every now and then like he did.

"Are you fucking with me, I have eyes, I can see your annoying behaviour towards him everyday, it's obvious y/n" he accused, the angry vein popping in his forehead. You felt embarrassed knowing if Kid had picked up on it, then that must mean the whole crew knew, maybe even Killer himself knew.

"Okay fine, maybe a small one" you admitted, averting your eyes from embarrassment. "Do you think he knows?" You asked, hoping the one person who can read him would shed some insight.

"That oblivious bastard? No way" he shut down. He noticed your relieved sigh. "I know he likes you, you just told me you like him, so confess already" he advised, though it felt more like a demand. "Why should I? If I'm wrong that'll just be awkward" you declined, not picking today to be the day you got your heart broken.

"I can't stand another day of watching you two" he scowled. "Confess now, Captains orders". You faltered unable to find a response to him. He tutted mumbling under his breath before coming to grab you by the shoulders. "Trust me" he loudly encouraged, pushing you toward the door.

You walked toward where you assumed you'd find Killer. Upon entering the galley your suspicions were confirmed, seeing him cooking in there. You smiled at him as he looked up. Of course you couldn't see if he returned it under his mask, but you hoped he had.

You felt extremely nervous taking small steps, a drastic contrast to your usual outgoing self. "You're just in time" he spoke up as you still slowly inched closer. "What for?" You questioned. Killer motioned to his food. "We can share".

You blushed, an activity you two had done millions of times, yet with the thought of confessing you couldn't help but see this in a different light. Had he ever done this with any of the crew? In fact did he ever give any of the crew the time of day like he did you?

You took a seat, with him coming to sit beside you. "This reminds me" you suddenly thought aloud grabbing the piece of paper from your pocket. "I got this sauce recipe for you for next time we have spaghetti" you beamed, handing the paper over to him.

"Thats so thoughtful" he thanked, brushing his hand against yours to receive the gift. The simple action made your face heat up, as electricity ran through your fingers, you knew your face was akin to your captains hair. This was the moment you needed to confess.

"Killer listen" you started. He sat up and turned his body to you, his way of showing he's paying attention. He didn't even need to say anything, you knew you could just start gushing words and he'd listen to every single one.

Taking a deep breath you started. "I really really like you, you know more than friends" you had more to say, but you were looking to find the words. "Every time we're together I never want it to end, and I wish at the end of the night I could be coming back to you, after battles you're the first person I look for, and I wouldn't be happy eating anyone else's cooking" you confessed, hoping he returned your feelings.

Killer was silent, you knew he would be, you'd almost expected it, despite wishing he'd hit you back with as much enthusiasm, or at least a quick let down. Instead you felt as he grabbed your hands.

"I'm glad you feel the same".

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