Chapter Eighteen - Powers

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"Where am I?, How did I get here?." I looked around in this weird shiny blue black light surrounding me. Where the heck is this place?, the last thing I remembered was the unresistable urge to sleep and here I am.

"Hello, anyone here". My voice echoed through the hall...well that's if I should I call it a hall. I started to look around maybe I'd see someone or at least something.

" Don't be afraid Xena, I called you here." I looked at the voice who spoke and immediately bowed my head. It might take a while to get used to the presence of the Moon goddess.

"If I may ask your grace, where are we?."

"We are in the border of life and death, the line between the spiritual realm and the physical." She answered.

"Does it mean that am de...." I was cut off by the goddess's beautiful laughter. Did I say something funny.

"You amaze me Xena. No you are not dead. Come with me." I followed behind her. She moves with grace and authority but still carries that cool and celestial Aura.

You know that feeling when the moon shines bright in the sky and you stare at it feeling enthralled by it. Well thats how walking with the moon goddess feels.

She more of glides than walked, it's beautiful.

"Then imitate her" queen said

What!!! It would make me lose my authenticity.

"" Authenticity my ass, she is a goddess, we are a queen or better still the queen. So Ms Authenticity get to it. Imitate her steps. Learn something useful for once. Xena Celeste Harrison  Arctista."

I took queen advice and somehow i managed to do just fine. It wasn't as refine and elegant as that of the Goddess however.. I mean am a mortal and she is an immortal goddess.

"How are you getting along with your powers, Xena" she asked when we got to a place that seem like a portal. Those things you see in movies like Merlin, legend of the seeker, Harry Potter, Charmed....

"Yeah, I get your point Xena"

Before I could answer her and ask the question on my mind. She stepped in to the portal and I followed. We were in another realm. A very beautiful silver light illuminated the place with beautiful tree and glass rivers shattered across the hills. What is this place, I could die here.

"You haven't answered my question Xena" she said.

"Am sorry your grace. I was entranced by the beauty of this place."

"The most important lesson one needs to learn in life is never to be distracted and should always remain focused because when you are distracted, you are oblivious to little details." She was right and I kept that in mind.

"As for my gift which I assume you speak of is my ability to see people's memories" she nodded and continued moving forward.

"But I can't control it" I said

"You have too because when a lot of people are emotional, you will see all of their memories at once without having control over it. If not well controlled you could hear their thoughts too" I was...well happy and bothered.

I mean heavy is the head that wears the crown.

"Then how do I control it?" I asked

"All you have to do is to be levelheaded at all times and learn to concentrate" she said and I felt puzzled. How do I be levelheaded.

"This is your first training" I felt the wind move through me, closing my eyes at the impact and open it when I felt like every thing was back to normal..

We were in a park, an amusement park bustling with people... humans precisely.

I freaked out thinking the humans saw us appearing from thin air. Somehow the adults walked through us or would I say me because they seemed to pass by the Goddess as though they knew she was there.

I noticed some children staring at us, and that was freaking me out, as though I hadn't went through a lot, a boy who would be either four or five months was staring at me eye ball to eye ball.

"He can see you" I snapped my head to the goddess in lighting speed. If she knew they could see us why bring them here.

"Only the children can but not the adults. You know humans are gods but sin has tinted their soul. As long as these young ones are kept away from sin they remain gods however such is impossible. For all has sinned and come short of the glory of the Almighty"

I noticed how some of the children from the age of four and below noticed us but the young ones who were not up to the age of one had their eyes fixed on us.

But the most surprising thing was how the goddess spoke gibberish and all the new borns around would giggle and make gibberish noises back.

" Now Xena look over there. Tell me what those women are talking about" i looked over to where the goddess pointed at it was a long distance like five pole ahead. How am I supposed to ears drop on their conversation.

"That's what I mean by concentration" she said motioning for me to sit down and cross my legs above each other.

I tried to concentrate on the sound around me but they were too much. The laughter, whispers, the giggle, scream and cry of babies and adults alike were causing a severe headache for me. It felt like a serious hangover.

"I can't" I said standing up. The goddess didn't seem offended at all.

"You can't when you say you can't and you can when you say you can, Xena do you know why most people are loser. It's because they gave up at the first trail. Life is not a bed of rose so when trouble comes. Face it with with all you've got. Never give up. Because it's either you have a life or a life has you. "

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