Chapter Nine - Banished

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I know what am doing with my best friend is wrong but I can't help the urge.

Roman pulled away from my kiss, putting distance between us.
"Xena, we need to stop this, your scent is killing me. Why weren't you mine." Roman said angryly.

My brain didn't seem to work anymore as I only thought on how to release this heat.

I started to take my off drenched cloths feeling Roman's chaotic eyes on me as they switched from blue to black then sliver, a color I have never seen. But I couldn't tell if I was hallucinating or not.

I craved release, throwing myself into Roman's arms. I need skin to skin contact.

My hands and his travelled restlessly along our bodies and as i tried to pull him closer. I see Austin in him.

"Well, is this what we want in a Luna, a bitch who can't help handle her heat" my mate voice made me shiver.
I realized it was Roman all along not Austin.

"Xena, our mate is there. We need him. He is the Only one who can help us with this heat. Go to him" Queen said.

Roman let out a growl, warning them not to step any closer.

"Luna indeed, it's very obvious she did something to her scent to make males attracted to her. What a fllle de joie" MJ voice boomed in the crowd.

The whole pack was here, elders, teenagers and children. My parents were included, can I be more of a disappointment.

" Never did I believe Xena was like this"

"She is such a whore"

"And her mother raised her well"

"Do you not know the saying of the old women, that a child who is loose is loose no matter the home training"

"What a shame"

"And she wants to be Luna, here i was sympathizing with her but now am ashamed"

"An harlot like her should not be allowed in the pack"

I can't take this, why should they judge, when they know nothing about my pain, they sexual urge I have been enduring and my own mate watching me be ridiculed and does nothing about it.

"The wolf is willing, but the human resist".

"Wake up Queen, he doesn't care, can't you see" I tried to talk some sense into her, but she is having non of it.

"Alright that's enough"Luna Freya voice silenced everyone.

"Roman, Xena is your brother's mate. You attitude is wrong. And you Xena you have not accepted Austin Rejection, that still makes you his mate. This action of yours is a disgrace to Lunas"

Roman growled at his mom, I could see my parent fight within themselves to stand up for me.

Nothing can justify my action. Why did it have to be like this.

My mate, why Austin? Could you ever look at me with nothing other than anger and disgust.

I ran to the tree house I built with Ivory, Austin and Roman years ago, crying. How was this my fault, I bear my heat alone with no one to comfort me.

Is this a Arctos thing?. I even don't know. Am the only surviving one.

"How pathetic Xena, you are useless. Did you just say alone, don't you think somehow you might be responsible for the death of your clan. Tell me why were you born on that day."

"Austin I need you. Please" I begged, the ache and pain is unbearable, making me release my scent in waves.

"Ohh dear, my Xena is in heat and her mate is not here to help" Austin's voice changed from his to that smoke like woman years ago from Ivory's death.

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