Chapter Fifteen - Training

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We went to the pack training ground which was up to five plot of land. It's was bustling with Warriors, rating from amateurs to experts.

"Let me introduce you to these people, the white hair lady is Irene Damascus the Beta of my pack. The one on her right with red hair is my Gamma, her name is Alicia Nathan. She is the head of the pack warrior and she will be the one training you" I nodded in understanding as the red hair woman approached us whose name is Alicia.

"Good morning Alpha" Alicia bowed greeting Alpha Alexandria.

"Good morning Ali. This is Xena, Ophelia's child" I noticed that Alicia was as old as Alpha Alexandria.

"Poor child, come with me there isn't much time on our side". Alicia said addressing me.

I followed her into the pack ground, seeing how young children about the age of fourteen trained hard. I suddenly felt intimidated with the training these young children received. Could I take them on or will they beat the living day light out of me. I shivered at the thought.

"Xena. Over here are the basics of what you will be taught okay. Go on" she urged me. Even though she was the head of the pack warriors, she reminded me a lot off my mother.

I never felt grateful that Roman taught me a bit of martial arts else I would have embarrassed myself again. Indeed no knowledge is lost.

The beginners training was easy and very embarrassing, seeing myself doing push ups with thirteen and fourteen year old teenagers. After a few rounds. Gramma Alicia took me to the intermediate level were I was also placed with Damien.

Irene, the white hair lady kept me waiting till everyone was done and stated to leave. I felt annoyed but decided to let it be, after all she was the Beta of the pack. 

"You, Xena. Come with me" I followed her to God knows where. From the corner of my eyes I noticed Damien still a little bit even though he was exhausted and breathlessly laying down on the ground. Through the mind linked I told him not to follow us and I wasn't sure if it was my observation or perhaps something else but Irene trained Damien strictly than she trained the rest.

I quietly followed her until we got to room which looked like a hall with weights and some torture instrument, I was so caught up observing my environment until a white mist ran through my eyes.

The next thing I knew, a sharp pain surge through my jaw, literally throwing me to the cold floor. I could feel headache on its way.

"I don't care if you are a queen or the Chosen one, however what I do care about is that you get your shit together and act accordingly" her cold voice made my wolf angry. How dare she.

I rushed quickly to punch her but she easily dodged my attack, holding my arms, twisting it back while dragging my shoulders backwards. I could hear my bones cracking.

"Get your Shit together Xena. No one care about you. I don't care because everyone has their own burden. Carry.. Your.. Cross. Xena, Move on" she said before kicking me and stormed off.

I rolled into a ball as I cried, feeling pathetic as her words ran in my head"No one cares" that's reminds me of the pain of rejection, embarrassment, Banishment and loss. It reminds me of every single thing I had to go from my childhood till now.

"Alpha Queen Xena" I heard someone whisper, I knew it was Damien.

"Go away" I said as I didn't want to look week in his sight.

" I will alpha. But I want you to know that there is a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, the survival of the whole werewolf race is on your shoulder. You might decide to let go of the few tens to protect and thrive for the many million assigned to you or you might as well chose to do the opposite" he took a pause in his words. My wolf Queen felt better just by listening to his voice.

"Sometime Xena, holding on does more damage than letting go. My mother once told me don't be afraid to loss what needs to be lost" after he said that. he left, living me with my thoughts and pain.

I cried for long not actually believing I would cry after all the tears the previous night.

Am holding on to a mate who beared grudges against me for eleven years, a mate who publicly embarrassed me by calling me a pathetic excuse for a mate, the same mate who rejected me and accepted another right in front of me, the same mate who had the guts to get Naomi pregnant, that same mate who was affectionate towards her. Is he worth holding on to?

How about the pack, the twilight pack, the pack who treated me like an outcast because I was different, the pack who Judged me without hearing my side of the story, the same pack who rejected me as their Luna but accepted another that was from another pack. Is that pack am holding on to?

What about my parents, the Harrison and the Arctistas who are waiting for me to make them proud, my best friend Roman who is waiting for me. I remembered his words"Go Xena, I will be waiting for you". My clan's men who laid down their lives for me, their last words.

        May our ancestors be with you
May the Moon guide you
Avenge us Celeste
Avenge us

The Moon Goddess who chose me out of the many to lead this battle. The millions of werewolves out there. Pups waiting to grow up. Teens waiting to find their mates. Parents waiting to see their children grow. Grandparents waiting to see their grandpups. Do I let them all down? Because of people who don't see my values. No

I really need to get my shit together.

I walked out of the room with determination. When I got outside I heard the voice of Alpha Alexandria scolding someone, from the scent I knew it was Irene.

"How many times have I told you never to do permanently foolish things because you are temporary upset Irene" Alpha Alexandria yelled at the top of her voice.

"Am sorry Alpha" Irene bowed her head in deeply also showing her neck, from the angle which I saw it, it looked difficult.

Alpha Alexandria was about to speak when I intersected.

"Nevermind Alpha Alexandria. Am okay, I needed the beating." I said trying to lighten up the mood.

Alpha Alexandria didn't seem convinced but she decided to drop the case, for now I guess.

"How are you Xena, does it hurt much?" She asked with concern.

"No Alpha, am okay and I have decided to continue with this training, I want it to be with Irene. I need to move on and embrace my destiny" I replied.

"Very well said Xena. you know my child, the most rewarding moments is when you let go of what you can't change" she paused and I nodded my head in agreement.

"Go rest Xena, we will continue your training tomorrow and don't forget to let go of the good and go for the great" she said

"Good Alpha"

"Good night, Chosen One.

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