chapter one - Xena Harrison

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"Grandma, Grandma, come on tell us a story, any story" the little boy said.

"No not any story, the one of the Moon Warrior"the other little boy said.

"No need to fight now, grandma will tell you the story of the Moon Warrior,now listen carefully"the old woman said with a low voice.

"Once upon a time,above the clouds, a fair skin woman with sliver eyes, stared down on Earth with despair and she said in her heart,Who will protect the Wolf race,the children after my heart against this great calamity that is about to before them"the fair skinned lady with her sliver eyes zoned on a war that was happening at that time, and said" I will make the last one of you the greatest,and repay you in folds for this,so the fair skinned lady with sliver eyes went down to earth after the massacre has been done and she saw a new born child with the blood of battle mixed with the blood of birth ,she kissed the child on the left side of the ribs, took the child and placed the child by an abandoned road and said to the child.

"My child, don't fret. For we shall  meet when the time has come"

And the fair skinned lady with sliver eyes left the child there and returned to her place above the sky, whispering to the little child from above with a smile saying.

"Be of good courage my child"

"Grandma who is the fair skinned woman with the sliver eyes"the first boys asked, feeling intrigued by the Woman

"Her name is Serena,she is the Moon Goddess"
All of the old woman's children and grandchildren surrounded her willing to listen to the old woman's story even though her children had listen to it before.

"Now,let me tell you the story of XENA THE MOON WARRIOR".

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