Chapter Eight - Truth

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Am staring at my parents, quietly waiting for them to respond. Hopefully they will say it's a joke.

"We are sorry Xena, but it is the truth" my mom said as tears streamed down her eyes.

And for the first time in eighteen years, I looked at the people I call parents.

My mother has walnuts eyes, dull red hair and a fair skin with a rectangle body shape, while my father has gray eyes, black hair and an equally fair skin.

I look nothing like them. The Total opposite to be precise with white hair, purple eyes and tan skin.
If Austin never brought it up, would I ever suspect it? Would I ever have taught they were not my parents.

"Mom,dad what am I?" I asked, if they are not my biological parents. It could mean a lot of things.

"Xena, you are our daughter. We love you, never forget that"my father said to reassure me.

"I know, but am I really a werewolf or perhaps another creature?" I have never doubted my parents love for me even though I just realized they aren't.

"Xena, we will tell you everything but you have to promise to be calm" my father said, he rarely speaks to me seriously. The seriousness in his voice made me shiver.

"I promise "I answered even though am not sure deep down.

"Xena, you are a Canis Lupus from the Arctos Clan. You are a White Wolf Xena" my dad explained, staring at me ensuring I understood what he said.

The Arctos Clan are the pure breed White Wolves , their descendants are gray wolves which are breed formed when White Wolves mate with werewolves of other breed.

The Arctos Clan of the Canis Lupus was eradicated eighteen years ago. The cause unidentified till now.

"It was eighteen years ago, when your father and I were on our way back to the pack from our vacation. We passed by your clan's territory few hours after the massacre. We found you there Xena, your mother just give birth to you, perhaps she was able to get you to safety because we found you few miles before your Clan's pack. We love you Xena. We are sorry for not telling you earlier" my mom said apologetically.

I don't how I should take this information, is it the fact that the people I called parents for eighteen years picked me up or the fact that am the only surviving member of the Arctos Clan with no one to guide me. How am I supposed to believe this.

"Xena honey please say something"my mom begged.

What should I say. How should I say it. Where should I start.

"I love you Mom and Dad" if anything, my parent has always been there for me, biological or not. It's not going to Change.

"We love you too"my parent said in unison.

After a few hours of talking to my parent along side Sarah and Eric. I feel asleep.

I woke up to someone caressing my check. Looking up to see a black eye and swollen lip Roman, I didn't need anyone to tell me he had a fight with Austin and it was because of me.

"What do I do with you, Romy" I asked feeling helpless.

"How are you beautiful?" He asked.

"I don't know, you know am not a member of this pack" I said

"Yes X, rumor had long spread in the pack that your mother and father adopted you. But it doesn't matter" he said while helping me sit up.

"Roman, am an Arctis" I said.

"What!!!, Arctis as in the Arctos, the White Wolves. Like what the heck Xena" he asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I guess that explain my white hair and purple eyes" I answered

"Wow, girl, you are a legend. basically the only living legend"
"But there is little to no information about your kind" he said as we shared the same look.

Indeed we understand each other without words being said.

"But don't worry Beautiful, we will find a way" I hope we do because I starting to feel an unexplainable heat.

It's been two days since I was discharged from the hospital but the uncontrollable heat had increased and only seemed to reduce when Austin was around. I had also been hallucinating a few times, I can't explain how I feel in words.

"X, are you okay, you look pale" I really can't explain what is going on with me.

I am experiencing unexplainable heat and uncomprehensible hallucination where object begins to metamorphose into images and also a feeling to rub herself on something.

"Yes, Roman am okay"

"Are you sure? Xena, your eyes glow and your smell is decoy, it's increasing by the day, are you really sure you are okay" Roman, dad, Kelvin, and Eric told me that my scent is tempting even when I try to hide it. Only Roman seems to stand it but I can see my scent is testing his self control.

The look in Roman's eyes changed from that of care to lust as he smirked wickedly, I took a step back as I shook my head and closed my eyes.

"Xena, are you okay? The worried voice of my best friend made me open my eyes as the expression was back to normal and I realized I was hallucinating again.

What's going on with me.

The goosebumps that broke out of my skin told me I was time for me to leave or the ache and pain am going to feel down there will cause trouble.

"Xena" the gritted voice of Roman had me running to my room as a realized my scent hit him hard.

I quickly took out the scent hider or what ever it's called, to prevent the attention of unmated male werewolf.

The pain took over as I rolled and cried, begging for someone to take this ache away, rubbing myself was not helping.

My room's door was forced open as Roman rushed in to help me. The conflict was evident as regret, pain, anger, frustration and lust filled his eyes, I tried to tell him to leave but it came out as a cry of pain.

Roman took me the border of the pack near our tree house, throwing me into the lake and distanced himself from me not out of disgust but because his self-control was breaking.

"Xena, you are killing me" I couldn't recognize his voice, it was difficult for me to tell if I was hallucinating or if I saw a different kind of Roman.

The water help a bit but not completely.

"Xena, I can't help it. Do something" queen yelled in my head as the pain intensified.

What should I do when I have no idea what's going on. The sexual urge is driving me nuts.

I was seeing Austin in Roman and at this point I couldn't care less. I rushed into Roman's arms. My body and brain couldn't differentiate what was real and what was not and I kissed Roman hoping this act will remain a secret and maybe it will reduce.

I heard footsteps but my brain was processing  anything. But known to Roman and Xena, Naomi saw them and called the entire pack

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