Chapter 21

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A/N: hello!! I just wanted to state that this upcoming mission is not canon or from the show. Some information may be a bit vague because of this. I'm creating a mission because some of the canon missions coming up don't fit the plot I want to follow very well. I hope y'all enjoy! <3

*Amylin's POV*

My holopad beeps as my alarm goes off. I shut it off, lifting myself out of bed. I change, putting on typical Jedi attire and buckle my sabers to my belt. I clip my comm on my wrist, then head down to the Resolute.

I spot clones loading up, and Ahsoka and Anakin standing with Mace Windu and Plo Koon. I continue towards them, greeting them with a smile as I reach them.Plo Koon greets me warmly, while Anakin and Master Windu share a glance. Anakin walks off, Ahsoka following close behind. I feel myself growing a bit nervous as they walk off.

"General Amidala, we had something we wanted to talk to you about." Master Windu starts.

I nod, "of course, what's going on?" I ask, trying to keep a steady voice. Plo Koon sighs, then speaks up. "Clone Trooper Sinker has been arrested, and will face court martial within a few days."

My eyes widen as I stare up at my old master. "What happened?" I breath. "He raised his blaster to your Clone Captain, CT-7567. I believe you know him by the name 'Rex'," Master Windu states. My eyes widen as I take in everything he said.

"Do we know why?" I question. I glance behind the Jedi, my eye catching Rex. He's standing on top of the ramp as he watches us, his face coated with worry. "Commander Wolffe's report was.. not very detailed. All he wrote was Clone Trooper Sinker was the aggressor, while Captain Rex remained calm."

I nod slowly, unsure what to say. "We wanted to ask if you knew of anything," he continues. I shake my head, earning a light nod in response. "May the Force be with you on your next deployment," he says calmly. I bow in return, "thank you, master."

He heads off, leaving me with Master Plo. "Master," I greet. He gives me a small smile. "How are you enjoying your new title?" I smile, "it's wonderful, but I do miss fighting along side you and the battalion."

He rest a hand in my shoulder, "the men miss you as well, young Jedi. Come visit us any time." I nod, promising to say hello when I return. He says farewell, heading back towards the temple.

I watch him go, then head up the ramp. "General," Rex greets, trying to conceal the worry in his voice. "We'll talk later," I tell him, walking to the bridge. I hear him sigh behind me, "yes, General."

He follows me, standing along the back wall as we enter the bridge. Soon, the ship takes off, bringing us to our next location. "We will arrive in 4 hours, general," a clone states. Anakin nods, then looks towards Ahsoka. "Let's continue your training?" The eager padawan nods happily, and the two leave the bridge.

I stand for a moment longer, then turn to leave, motioning to Rex to follow. He falls into step a short distance behind me, and I turn into a large supply closet. The door hisses shut behind him, and he removes his helmet, placing it nicely on a nearby bin.

I cross my arms, "what happened," I ask. He sighs, then tells me everything, from the things he heard to the guards dragging Sinker away. "Stupid," I grumble to myself. I glance back up at Rex, "you're alright?" He nods.

"Good," I say, "I guess he had it coming. Thank you for telling me." He nods again, and I go to leave the closet. His gloved hand grabs my wrist, "wait."

I turn towards him, feeling my heartbeat quicken. I watch as he searches my face, "what happened down in the lab.. did it mean anything?" He asks softly.

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