Chapter 6

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*Amylin's POV*

"..Jedi Knight, Amylin Amidala." I feel the excitement rushing through me as Master Windu says the words. I keep my composure, and bow towards the Jedi Masters. I glance towards my former master, his face gleaming with pride. A small smile graces my lips, as Master Yoda speaks up. "A battalion for you, we have chosen." I turn towards his direction as he continues, "With General Skywalker, you will be."

Somehow, my excitement grows as I hear of my placement. Master Windu chimes in, "You will help General Skywalker lead the 501st. We ask you to keep an eye on him, and help him focus on training his Padawan, and sticking to mission assignments." He adds the last bit, and I have to hold back a smile. Anakin is definitely known for disobeying orders. "Thank you, Masters," I say respectfully, bowing towards them again.

I then turn, heading out of the council room. I smile spreads across my face as I leave the building, and grows even more when I see Wolffe waiting for me, along with Comet, Boost, and Sinker. Comet says something I don't hear, and then the others turn in my direction. Wolffe jogs up to me, embracing me in a hug. I hug back as the others join. I pull back, looking at my old battalion. I feel a bit of sadness at the idea of not going on missions with them anymore.

"So, what's the news?" Boost asks, I smile at them. "I'm officially a General of the GAR," I state. They all cheer, and I laugh. After a moment, I speak up again, "I do, however, have some not so great news." I gain the looks of the clones, waiting for me to continue. "I have been placed with a different battalion." I say sadly, unsure how they will react. Comet pulls me into a side hug, "Oh that's alright, we assumed that would happen. You just need to come and visit us." He says, while the others agree. I smile at them, "Of course I'll visit!" I exclaim.

"Where were you placed?" Wolffe asks. "With General Skywalker," I say back, earning a scoff from Sinker. I glance towards him, catching the glare Wolffe gives him. "What's wrong?" I ask, unsure what's going on with them. That seemed to be the breaking point for Sinker, and he starts yelling. "You're leaving us just to be with your beloved Captain? I mean, you just met him!"

Wolffe walks over to him, placing a firm hand on his chest, whispering harshly. He pushes past him, "Why do I have to stop? She's leaving us for Him!" I stare dumbfounded at him as he continues. "What are you talking about?" I say softly. He stops, meeting my gaze. He shakes his head, an annoyed laugh leaving his lips. "You think the Jedi council lets me request?" I say, harsher then I meant to. He stops and stares at me, realizing I'm right.

"Well," he starts. I wait for him to continue, the others staying silent as well. He finally speaks up again, "so, you didn't request to be with them?" I scoff, shaking my head. He glances down at his feet, Wolffe giving him another glare. "What's gotten into you?" I ask, stepping towards Sinker. He meets my gaze, "I thought you were leaving us for Rex," he whispers.

I stare at him, confused, "why would I do that?" He shakes his head, unsure how to continue. "I think he's referring to the night at 79s," Boost replies. "That's enough," Wolffe cuts in. "What happened at 79s?" I ask, ignoring Wolffe. I look back at Wolffe, wanting an answer. He scratches the back of his neck, then motions for the others to clear out. They say a quick farewell, then head back to troops' housing.

"You don't remember anything?" He asks me. I shake my head in response. He sighs, "you and Rex just got really close, is all. I don't know all the details." I raise my eyebrow at him. "You took him out on the dance floor, you were kinda all over each other," he says shyly. My face heats up, the memories slowly coming back as he speaks.


His voice rings through my mind, remembering the events on the dance floor. "Oh," I whisper. "Later he walked you home, the rest of us went back to the Barracks." I stand still as the memories come flooding back

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