Chapter 2

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--Time Skip--

*Amylin's POV*

I stare at the enemy ship through the glass of our own ship. My anger rising as I remember the briefing before our mission, and the number of troopers lost to a new separatist weapon. "The enemy ship has reduced its speed general." Wolffe states. "They must have realized we're tracking them," Plo Koon replies, before turning away from the ship in front of us. I follow him as he heads towards the clone. "I think it wise to report our position before we attack," my master states. "Skywalkers' fleet is nearby, in the Bith system,'' Wolffe informs, before the two head to the table to call Anakin.

I follow behind, wishing to join the transmission. "Good, perhaps he could reinforce us," I say to my master and the clone commander. Wolffe replies with a smile, "From what I hear, Skywalker's always ready for a fight." I give a short laugh in response, as Plo Koon contacts Anakin. Ahsoka and Anakin appear in the hologram. "Koh-to-ya, Master Plo, Amylin," Ahsoka greets, I smile at her while Plo Koon answers, "Koh-to-yah, little 'Soka."

"Skywalker, Ahsoka," I greet with a smile. "How's the mission going?" Anakin asks us, which Plo Koon starts filling him in. I head back to the front window, eyes on the enemy ship. "This should be a piece of cake, Commander. It's one ship against three of ours!"

I turn towards the voice, only to be met by Sinker smirking confidently. I give him a laugh before turning back towards the front. "It seems that way doesn't it? But always keep a guard up, Sinker, that ship may be the cause of the death of so many of your brothers," I reply sadly, reminding him of why we are here. He nods, "sorry Commander, just trying to keep the mood up."

I glance back over to him and give him a sad smile, then hear him walk away. Suddenly, Plo Koon is running back to my side, "We lost communications," he says cautiously. "Enemy ship is closing in sir!" A clone yells from behind us. My heart starts racing at the situation, feeling this ending badly.

"Prepare for battle," Plo yells back. "Master," I start quietly, earning my master's attention. "I have a bad feeling about this, maybe we shouldn't engage," I say quietly towards my feet, before meeting his gaze. "We are going to end this," he says confidently before heading back towards the communications table.

"We're picking up a large energy reading from the target sir," Wolffe states. I turn towards them, worry spread across my face. "Open fire." Plo replies, I feel his anxiety building up, soon matching my own. "We aren't in range yet sir!" the clone says, fear in his voice. I head towards them, when suddenly Master Plo yells, "Brace for impact!" I turn and watch in horror as an energy field comes barreling towards us.

The ship shakes roughly as I grab the wall to stabilize myself. An arm grabs my shoulder, "head for the escape pods, now," my master says sternly. Without waiting for a reply, he runs back to the main controls. I race down the ship's corridors, finally finding the pods, activating them. Suddenly, footsteps are barreling down the hall towards me, "Quickly, into the pods!" Master Plo yells, pushing me ahead of him into a nearby pod. Three troopers join us before the pod closes and releases from the ship. "What happened?" I ask quickly.

"That damn energy field disabled our shields and canons, left us defenseless Commander." Boost, a trooper in the pod, replies. I shake my head in disbelief as I watch the remaining ships get destroyed as well. "How many got out," I whispered. "Thanks to General Plo, many of our men were able to get to a pod before the ship went down," Sinker chimed.

I nod, a sad smile on my face. "The power grid is burned out. We have no engines, communications or... life support recharge," Wolffe states softly. "So, we'll just sit here, and hold our breath, " Sinker scoffs.

Boost chimes in cautiously, "Someone will come looking for us, right?"

I look down at my feet, knowing how dangerous our situation is. "Let's get the power restored, so we are here to be found," Master Plo says, giving the clones hope. The clones get to work, trying to brighten our situation.

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