34: Revelio

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[victoria's pov]

I slowly find myself in my dormitory, snugged on my bed. Yesterday's events wore down my mood as I felt a sharp pain in my eye, now adjusting to the light. I feel my eyes are puffy and my skin is warm. I hear light breathing and turn my head slowly.

I see above me, laying against my headboard is Tom, who's asleep. He's wearing a grey turtleneck, equivalent to the tint of his eyes.

I'm quick to realise that I'm lying on his lap and have been all night, but I'm not so quick to move. Seeing him asleep, at rest, does not make me picture him as the same deceptive snake I've discovered him as.

But knowing how he was most of the time made me frown slightly. He doesn't move in his sleep. He's still, just like the way I first met him at Wool's Library. I notice that one of his hands is placed on my upper arm.

I force myself to sit up, not wanting him to catch me gazing. My back is faced away from him as I stare at the wall, realising how early it actually was.

"Good morning, situation."

I look back at him and he's still sitting against my bed frame with his fingers now crossed. His eyes meet mine with a sly smile and I look away, not daring to let him into my head as I feel warmth tickle my cheeks.

"Morning, Tom," I replied, suddenly feeling embarrassed about last night's events. I didn't want him to think I could trust him again.

There's a silence before I make myself comfortable in my bed again, laying under my comforter and facing him. He watches as I close my eyes to get more sleep. I can still feel his gaze and I open my eyes again, meeting his: an invitation, allowing him to lay more comfortably. In which he does so and faces towards me, leaving a gap between us.

I close my eyes again, trying to forget the horrific screams of my mother and father. The cries of an infant haunts me when I'm awake and I would have expected it to in my sleep, but last night was calm.

Like now.

A tranquil moment between me and everything else was possible with him.

"You seemed to have bursted a blood vessel in your eye," Tom says quietly.

"It doesn't hurt though," I tell him. "It's not abnormal considering..."

We understand what's left unsaid.

"May I ask what happened last night?" he says, breaking the silence between us.

"Why do you care?" I asked, feeling a hint of annoyance. I opened my eyes, looking at him sternly. "I do not want to amuse you further, as you've already seen me at my worst."

He's hesitant to answer, but does so, moving closer to me. "I see you like no other. You're strong and persistent, and I'd like to imagine you're loyal. I want to gain your trust again."

"But trust goes both ways, Tom," I reminded him. "It's your move now, not mine. Do not expect me to fall for your tricks again."

I sit up and get out of bed, heading for my washroom. I pause as I realise the change in the room. I see Serenity's bed is empty. Along with her desk.

"The elves cleared her side of the room whilst you were gone yesterday," Riddle explained. "It must've been by her parents' order."

I can't find my voice to respond as I leave him alone on my bed, locking myself in the washroom. I splatter cold water on my face and realise,

It was a sign of the times.


The great hall is packed as I enter it for lunch. I had missed breakfast, yet I wasn't feeling hungry. But I made my way towards the Slytherin table and spotted the young Nicholson again. He spotted me first and I realised how rudely I had dismissed him last night. I approached him, ready with an apology.

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