10: Riddle's Charm

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[victoria's pov]

Helen Abbott had suddenly scheduled another lesson in the middle of the week, which was unusual but Theo and I didn't have a choice but to show up.

"At least it's paying off," Druella said as we walked to the library together.

She was right. Abbott was a naturalist when it came to teaching. Slughorn's lessons weren't much of a bore anymore and I was almost catching up in his class. Almost.

"Still," I said. "I think it's funny how she wanted to schedule again."

"Probably because you left early last week," Druella replied with a grin. "She probably wants to see Nott again or maybe you simply get jealous too easily, Victoria."

"I do not," I defended myself.

"Stop ignoring the facts, it's clear you like him."

"Who's 'him'?"

Theo had caught up with us and walked in front us, stepping backwards. His brow was raised with questioning and he was looking at Druella, craving for an answer. I spat Druella a look.

"No one," I said. "Druella was just having a laugh, weren't you, Druella?"

"Tsk. Excuses, excuses, my dear Victoria." She teased and crossed her arms then said, "See you later, I've got my own lesson to attend."

"I don't recall you having any-"

"Goodbye!" Druella sang with a giggle and turned around the corner.

I sighed with embarrassment. Druella loved calling me out at the worst times. Luckily, Theo didn't bring up the previous conversation any further and said, "I brought study snacks."

He shook his bag and began to list them.

"Treacle Tarts to fulfil your sweet tooth, Chocolate Frogs because they're your favourite, Jelly Slugs-"

I stopped him and asked, "How'd you know my favourite?"

He paused and rethought how to respond to that. He cracked a smile and said, "I figured since everybody likes them."

It occurred to me that Theo probably knew more about me than I thought. I never spoke about myself to him since I didn't know much about my own family (not that I had one.) We only had conversations to pass the time. But I enjoyed being around him nevertheless. I had hoped he felt the same.

"I doubt food is allowed to be eaten in the library," I said. "But it's still a thoughtful gesture."

"Then how about," Theodore said, opening his bag, "you just take them with you and enjoy them whenever you want?"

Though he had asked, he still opened my bag and stuffed it with the few treats he had in his bag. He didn't look at me, but instead was focused on rummaging through his bag to make sure everything was cleared out.

"What about you?" I asked. "Afterall, you bought them. There's plenty."

Theo tilted his head and thought about it then said, "I think I'll just find you when I'm craving something sweet."

Theo worked his ways oddly, but I didn't mind. It took me a second to realise we had been staring at each other in silence before I realised we were supposed to begin our study session.

"We ought to get inside before we get scolded," I suggested.

Theo scratched the back of his neck. "Right..."

The library was deserted except for the old Madam Auclair who was singing a quiet French tune. She didn't seem to notice us walking in until I pulled open a chair and screeched loudly. Her singing stopped and she scowled, disappearing to the back room.

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