49: Light in the Dark

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[victoria's pov]

I haven't been to a wedding since Druella's. But I guess that didn't count because I never even stayed for the ceremony, so I guess this would be my first.

It was not a grand wedding. It was a traditional wizarding wedding in the gardens of the Nott home, with limited guests. It was a breezy day and all of the guests looked older. They were all their own age, except for Theo and I.

Though I had been sent the invitation two years ago, the wedding kept having to be postponed because of Lord Voldemort's doings. Now that things were quieter, it was the best moment to enchant light in the dark with a wedding of vows and promises.

Sitting by myself on Theo's row, I shuffled uncomfortably in my feet. Druella and Cygnus sat on my left, wearing olive green robes.

I wore a simple beige dress. Simple as that.

Staring ahead, I couldn't find myself to turn and face the bride, Christina, as she strode carefully down the aisle. I could not meet Theo's eyes just yet.

He watched as his future stood before him. And I realised that there was more to the story.

Christina was pregnant.

And more beautiful than ever as she glowed under the sun with her radiant smile and blonde hair down her waist like an ethereal fairy. Theo embraced her in his arms as she could barely find her words to speak, almost crying.

Christina was a beautiful young woman, full of spirit and life. And that was enough for Theo. To start fresh with their own family.

Theo looked cured, if that were true, and they both turned toward their families. His eyes met mine bittersweetly and I gave the strongest smile I could.

Though I couldn't love, I could feel the pressuring pain of the past pull at my heart and neck as they exchanged vows.

I was only half listening, and I found myself feeling guilty for feeling hurt. He was not mine and stopped loving me long ago, tracing back to Hogwarts so why was I still so tangled with the past?

I needed another decade to get over this. To get over him.

Or more. More time.

"I do," Theo's voice said quietly.

Theo and Christina embraced each other and before I could see their lips lock, my eyes had become occupied elsewhere.

The ring on my own finger.

What did it even mean? What significance was it to me?

Tom loved me and I knew it. I just couldn't find myself to understand where I stood in his life.

In the midst of my thoughts, Regulus got up from the crowd and made way for the exit. I hadn't spoken to him for the past two years. I tried to, but he acted as if he were the mature one, making decisions.

Standing up, I catch Theo's eyes before I exit the gardens, trailing Regulus. He speeds up ahead with his elf, Kreacher.

"Regulus!" I exclaim after him, struggling in my long dress. He turns and faces me, his elf doing the same.

"I suppose you've come to stop me then," he says, his arms spread like a criminal. Dangling from his hands is the locket. Slytherin's locket.

My breath almost stops as I near him.

"Wh- where did you get that?" I ask. "It's not possible, he would never-"

"I know," Regulus said. "It's a fake."

Burning Obsessions : Tom RiddleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang