28: Secrets of His

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[victoria's pov]

I laid awake in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was the same thing that occurred to me every night: wanting to know the connection between Dumbledore and my family. The scar on his hand was too detailed to have been just a dream...

Druella shuffled out of her bed and I watched her in silence as she tiptoed towards the door, her wand in her hand.

She looked toward me and I shut my eyes quickly. As soon as I heard the door shut, I got out of bed and put on a jumper to follow her, my wand tightly gripped.

I watched from inside my room as she left the Slytherin common room. A moment later, I quickly rushed downstairs to follow her steps.

"Where's she going out so late?" I thought. I left the dungeons and found myself on a rifted path. Taking the stairs up, I heard voices follow up ahead and froze in my tracks.

 Taking the stairs up, I heard voices follow up ahead and froze in my tracks

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"Voldemort commands it," I heard a boy's voice say.

I tilted my head with the familiarity of the name. I quickly trailed behind and watched as Druella and Cygnus walked away. Druella's tone was of annoyance as she questioned Cygnus.

"This is the third time this week!" she exclaimed. "Does he really find it so mandatory that we-"

"Hush, Druella," Cygnus said and grabbed her by the wrist. "If you get caught speaking like that-"

A voice from the shadows emerged, making the both of them quiet. None other than Abraxas Malfoy stood with a sharp glare at the two.

"You're both late," he snapped. "I suggest you leave your shenanigans here before seeing the Dark Lord." He turned his heel and disappeared into the shadows again.

Quite literally.

The shadow that was cast against the wall was a barrier. As Cygnus and Druella sank into the wall, its magic rippled like water.

My brows furrowed with disbelief as I slowly approached the wall. It looked like a real shadow... perhaps it was. The moon's sudden movement casted the shadow to move inches away from the corner. Fascinating.

"Curious," I muttered. In another situation, I'd be awed. I stepped my first foot, before my body was full through the barrier.

I found myself in the corner of an empty, dark classroom. Despite its abandoned state, the classroom was full of numerous Slytherins–faceless to me because they faced the front. A dozen at least.

My presence was unnoticed as I stayed hidden in the shadows. Druella's blonde hair was the most notable out of everyone else.

"You don't belong here," I thought. She stuck out. Like light.

She sat beside Cygnus and beside him was a boy I knew of, Franklin Crabbe. He was a fit young boy, but dumber than an ostrich. I examined the room again with an intent to find Riddle, but he was nowhere to be seen.

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