jealous bff*

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Taking your hand and leading you out of the room where your tipsy friends had been gossiping, ignoring your inquiries about where you were going, suddenly being stopped at the end of the hallway and his body pressing you up against the wall.

His lips bruising yours in a deep kiss which catches you off guard, gripping the sides of your face to keep it in places. There's a passion to it that you're unused to. Slightly chapped and sweet like the cinnamon of the fireball in his drink, a surprised noise leaving your throat.

"No one kisses you like I do. And no one will. They're mine t'kiss whenever I want, yeah? No one can fucking compare to what we do." His voice deep and syrupy, making the heat between your legs smother to a burn. "Don't care who calls themselves your boyfriend or whatever the fuck they say... you've always kissed me. S'not cheating when these lips have always belonged t'me."

There was no way to get a word in as he sloppily kissed your lips, leaving you resigned and grabbing the back of his head to play with his hair. Harry could be possessive but this was a new side you hadn't seen. Perhaps it was being tipsy, but you weren't going to complain in the slightest. Your lips felt tingly and wet and this feeling was your absolute favorite.

"No one knows how good I kiss you. Think that..." another hot kiss that has your legs weak. "Everyone knows I'm touchy... but no one gets to taste my tongue the way you do." He confirmed. "My best fuckin' friend. Won't give up your mouth." His thumb brushed over the corner of your lip, wet with the remnants of your kiss from him. "Hate hearing about the other kisses when you don't talk about mine. Know I've been the best." His cocky demeanor would usually get you to tease him but he genuinely looked disturbed you hadn't talked about him in the 'best' area of your kisses. "So why didn't you say it?"

The furrow between his brow and his slight flush made your face soften, pulling him back to kiss his lips in a peck. "Sorry, H. Didn't know if it was something you'd want me to talk about. M'sure people know we're close but they don't know we are this type of friend." Your coo made him grunt.

"And? Now they can know. Best friends can kiss. We can kiss whenever we want. And we can fuck around. Doesn't matter if people know. We're always gonna choose each other so... better have people get used to it." In reality it didn't make much sense, but the intricacies of it all haven't been ironed out yet. It was too much for a tipsy mind to handle.

"Kay. S'okay, H." You ran your fingers through the slightly damp hair at the back of his neck, leaning up to nudge your nose against his. The kissing had been relatively new, something he'd suggested during a boring night in because he wanted to kiss and you two simply hadn't fully done it. Pecks, sure. But full on make outs were now a fun pastime for you both. "We just don't kiss like this... around people. Don't want to make you uncomfortable." He valued his privacy. That was something you took incredibly serious.

"What makes me uncomfortable is people not knowing that the reason you come back flustered and swollen lipped is because you're with me, getting kissed fucking dumb." You always did have a dumb look on your face he teased you about after some intense kissing. "Stop with that. Don't care. It's fun. We can kiss and be best friends, right? No one knows you like I do in any way. So... doesn't matter who else you kiss. If you're dating someone or not." His voice darkened as one of the hands cupping you're face went to the back of your neck and held firm. "At the end of the day, they are mine to kiss. Mine to suck on. Mine to make wet and swollen like they are now. Got it?" The squeeze to the back of your neck made your mouth open, nodding dumbly yet again at his behavior.

"Got it." Your breathless reply made him smirk smugly, leaning back down to bite on your bottom lip. Sucking it into his mouth and rolling his tongue over it to soothe the sting of his teeth, he released it and covered your mouth in one last deeper kiss, tongue flicking over yours just for a moment before pulling back to your whiny protest.

"Ah, ah." He scolded, letting go of your face and giving a gentle smack to your thigh. "None of that. Lets go back m'you can tell them all about your favorite kisses. With me."

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