Breaking Plates^

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It wasn't often that Harry got angry. Truly, it was a rarity. Harry wasn't necessarily even tempered, but he hid his anger more so in keeping to himself and letting himself cool off. He knew himself. When he got truly angry, he snapped. He yelled. And it was scary.

Y/N had never been on the receiving end of that before. She was none the wiser. Of course, she had seen him be angry a few times but it was never directed towards her. Harry was very good normally, able to keep his feelings at bay because he knew that she was particularly sensitive about him. Not that she was a baby- she wasn't. Y/N was strong and lovely and his perfect match. She knew that when he got snarky that it wasn't usually aimed towards her. The few times it had thought to be directed at her and she got quiet, he immediately clarified it wasn't and tried to talk to her about it.

Some days, though, he was met with his greatest flaw. Being unable to talk about his issues, so the things pile up and up until the damn broke. Normally, no one else was around.

Y/N had been on a great mood all day. Harry was going to be home before her, they were set to order takeaway and watch a few movies. They didn't officially live together yet, but she was buying some things for his house today. He was a bachelor, and despite his resources he didn't know much all about interior design. Her mood had been brightened even more when she saw a cute mug at the home goods store.

It was a little dog dressed as Elvis with lyrics to Hound Dog on it. An inside joke between the flourishing couple thar she had been giddy to grab. Only $4 was a steal for something she thought he would like much better than the boring slate grey mugs his interior designer had bought. Ick.

When she saw his car when she arrived home, she was elated. Heart picking up as she grabbed the bags from the backseat, she nearly skipped inside to see her boyfriend. He'd been busy lately with work and while she definitely understood, she had been looking forward to seeing him and spending all weekend long with him.

"Babe? I'm home! I got you a surprise." She called out once she got the door open, kicking it shut behind her. Her shoes were toed off and left in front of the shoe rack, making a mental note to go back and place them properly on it once the bags were set down.

It was quiet but she could hear him upstairs so she called thar she would be in the kitchen when he got down there. Humming happily, she went into the kitchen and set down the bags gently beginning to unwrap the new glassware she had gotten for them. It was exciting. His suggestion too, telling her that she should go out and grab things she liked better. Since it was better than her stink face at the patterned plates that always looked dirty.

She paused when she heard a thump and then a curse, a breathy huff and then stomps over to the kitchen.

"H? You okay?" She asked curiously, only to be met by the answer when she saw his face. A tiny limp in his step and a giant scowl, face red.

"Do I look okay?" He hissed. "Heard me curse, didn't you?" His eyes cut into her, and then the counter littered with bags and the paper wrapping from the glassware. Some had fallen to the floor while she neatly placed everything out, wanting to have a display for him to see.

"I- did, yeah. I didn't know what-"

"Fucking tell you every time to put your shoes on the rack. Tripped over them and wrecked my ankle. Cant afford that when I'm working, Y/N." He said sternly, making her blink a few times. It wasn't often anymore that she left them. A bad habit she had mostly fixed, it confused her to hear him bring it up when she hadn't done it in month.

"I- I'm sorry." She said quietly. "I was gonna go put them on the rack when I was finished unpacking this stuff, I didn't have enough hands to-" cut off once again, Harry let out a sarcastic laugh.

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