He's catching up to us.

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Sleep. Sleep is a complex biological process that helps people process new information, stay healthy, and re-energize. Sleep is everything. Sleep is life. I love sleeping. I was enjoying my sleep before I got rudely awakened by my lovely family.

I gasp, picking myself up. Ice-cold water dripped from my face, hair, and clothes. Still with my eyes closed, I can hear someone laughing. Well, it's more like a lot of people laughing.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck." I stated as I opened my eyes. Seeing Maggie, Enzo, and Diego laughing at me. Maggie continues laughing before she speaks, "Wake up. It's about to be 2 pm." She said.

"2 PM??!" I shouted. I see my pj pants on the floor. Just as I was about to get up, I realized that I was in my thong, and if I got out the bed. Enzo Maggie and Diego would see my whole ass.

Enzo notices my sudden discomfort and awkwardness. As well as Maggie and Diego. "What's wrong?" Diego asked me. He looked at me confused, but right as I was about to explain. Maggie had answered for me.

"Do you not remember? Gabby took off her pants in the middle of the night." Maggie explained what happened. The hell? I don't remember waking up in the middle of the night to take my pants off.

While I was confused in my head, Diego grabbed my pants from the floor and threw them on the bed, "We saved you some food. It might be cold tho."He said. I grabbed my pants, pulling it under my now wet blanket, putting it on underneath so no one would see my ass cheeks.

"Where're the others?" I asked noticing that Abby and Isaac weren't there. At the same time, I was getting off the bed, fully dressed now. Maggie, Enzo, and Diego had started making their way to the door. "They went to buy some clothes for us and other stuff," Diego said.

"Los chamacos already have plenty of clothes. Why do they need more?" I stated. Making my way over to the bathroom, and getting myself cleaned up. While I was putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush, I then noticed a big bruise that I had around my eye and cheekbone. however, my lip was getting better, just that it was red since James had also thrown a punch at my wound.

Gazing my fingertips over my bruise, hissing a bit as I felt a bit of pain when I touched it. I heard Diego coming towards the bathroom, "So what happened?" He asked leaning on the door with his arm crossed over the other.

I took a deep breath before telling him what had happened, "I was coming back from getting my lip checked out. Winter He got suspicious when the whole fight happened between me and the witch." I said. Diego was paying close attention to what I was saying.

"He blocked my way as I was getting out of the elevator. So I punched him and then we started fighting. He throws his punches and I throw mine." I finished. Diego scoffs, shaking his head.

There's a moment of silence. the kids were sitting on the couch in the room playing with my phone. "Diego," I said. my voice shakes a bit. Even tho I hadn't even said anything, I could tell he already knew what I was going to say.

"He's catching up to us," I stated. noticing Diego nodding his head, proving to me that he already knew what I was going to say. He gets up from the door, sighing. "We just...we just have to be careful." He said. but he didn't even look at me while he was talking, he was looking at the kids.

Suddenly my stomach growls, taking the attention back to me. we both make eye contact with each other before looking down at my stomach. Chuckling, Diego starts talking, "Finish getting ready. We'll get the food ready." He said before leaving the room with Enzo and Maggie right behind him.

Now I was all alone. I couldn't help but feel anger about everything. James is catching up to us. Isaac and Diego wanted to kill anyone who got between me, Abby, and the kids. Not only that, but everyone gonna find out about Maggie and Enzo sooner or later.

"We have to leave," I mumbled to myself as I started brushing my teeth. after I was done, I started gently washing my face. making sure not to put much pressure on my fucked up face.

I was all done now. I decided to stay in my PJs since we probably won't have anything to do today and I'm also too lazy to change out of my comfy PJs. Before leaving the room I checked the time on my phone. Reads 2:28 pm.

Going through my phone as I was walking down the hall towards to kitchen where everyone was. "Sleeping beauty finally awake." I heard Abby say as she and issac were coming out the elevator, both with mutiple bags in hand. Well, Abby only had two and Issac had four in each hand.

"Hey gorgeous," I said winking at her, smirking. She chuckles shaking her head. "I brought you some things," she said as she threw the plastic bag at me. while I was looking through it. Issac had come over and put something in my PJ pocket.

I look up at him confused, putting my free hand in my pocket. but as I was about to pull it out, Issac stopped me."Don't." he said. He quickly scans the room, making sure no one notices us. he then leaned down to my ear, "it's weed." he whispered.

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