It wont ever be like that again

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After about 30 minutes, we were all done eating. I grab my phone from my pocket, looked for the time. 6:04 pm. I go over to Abby who was picking up Enzo and Maggie's dirty napkins. "I'm get the kids to shower before they go to sleep." I said looking at her. She nods in response.

"I'll tell Diego to help Enzo" Abby said before she went to tell Diego. I make my way over to Maggie who was talking with black widow. At first I was confused on what they would be talking about.

But then I remembered that Maggie was gifted a black widow toy when we got here. Shes probably talking about it to her or something. I put my hand on Maggie's hair, braiding it for a couple of seconds before letting go.

"Come on. You have to take a shower." I said to Maggie gently, smiling at her. She nods at me with a small smile on her face before telling goodbye to the red head woman. I make quick eye contact with her before walking away with Maggie.

"Thank you for the pizza." Maggie said loud. She wanted all of them to hear her. Some avengers just nod smiling at her while others tell her 'you're welcome'.

Me and Maggie make our way over to her room. I look down at her smiling a bit. She was playing with her doll. Moving it around, brushing her hair at bit. God how much I love this child.

Maggie runs into her bathroom while I close her door and lock it. Her room was similar to mines but a bit smaller and pink. A lot of pink. She comes back into her bedroom "do you want me to stay here while you heat up some water?" She asked.

I feel a wavy of sadness run through me. I start remembering what we had to do to shower back at our old house. Since the house was very old and broken. We barely had hot water.

Me, Abby, Isaac, and Diego were already used to cold water from hydra. But Maggie and Enzo weren't. They would always cry when they had to shower or would even start fighting with some agents. Then they would get punished for their behavior.

But after we escaped and found our home. We tried to do everything as possible to give them hot water. So we came up with a solution. Me and Abby would boil some hot water and dump it in a bucket. We would fill it up as much as possible and ask Maggie if the temperature was right.

We would add cold water if it was too hot, or add some more hot water if it wasn't hot enough for her. Then we would grab a plastic cup and drop off the bucket full with hot water, in the shower.

Since Maggie was more younger then she is now, me or Abby would help her shower. But the more older she got the more she was able to do it. But every once in a while she still needed some help. So we told her that she can shower on her own if she wants and we'll be behind the door if she needs anything.

We would also do this with Enzo as well. But it was just with Diego and Isaac who would help him in the shower.

I shake my head no, looking down at Maggie. "Ironman has a lot of money, he can definitely afford hot water here." I said chuckling a bit. Maggie nods and starts heading back to the bathroom.

"How do I turn it on?" Maggie asked. I make my way over to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I move the handles, changing it to hot water. Maggie puts her hand out, feeling if the temperature was right for her.

She smiles up at me, taking her hand back. "Thank you." Was all she said before sitting down and uniting her shoes. I make my way out the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I was walking around the room while Maggie was showering. It was a really nice room. It looks like a spoiled child's room, a lot of dolls, teddy bears. There was a mini couch in her room. Some posters.

I turn around I hear a knock. I make my way over and open it, revealing Abby. I let her in and close the door behind me and lock it. "She's already in?" She asked me, reforming to Maggie. I nodded my head yes.

"Imma unpack her clothes" Abby said before grabbing Maggie's backpack that's was on the floor, near her bed. I sit down on Maggie's couch, pulling my phone out and watching TikTok's.

Me and Abby start laughing when we hear Maggie singing in the shower. I go back on TikTok while Abby's pulling some lotion and some other stuff out.

After about 30 minutes, Maggie had called me telling me that she was done. I go inside and grab her a towel that was on the sink and pass it to her. She grabs it and wraps it around herself.

I pick her up and set her on her bed. I go back to her bathroom, while Abby helps Maggie change. I grab an extra towel that was under the sink this time and start wiping the floor. Maggie had made a pool when she was in the shower.

"Now go brush your teeth. You can watch a movie after, since it's still early". I heard Abby say after she was done helping with Maggie. Maggie then comes into the bathroom and waits for me to carry her. The sink was too tall for her so someone had to carry her.

She was now done brushing her teeth and ran out her room to Enzo room. Enzo had finished a while ago and was in his bed watching Aladdin. Maggie's joins him and they're both laying under the covers watching the movie.

"Two peas in a pod." Issac said behind me. I don't move or say anything but just look at my babies. God they're perfect.

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