What moves?

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Why the hell did I ask if he wanted to come? I know he obviously wouldn't want to come, I literally scared the shit out of him. And if I'm being honest with myself, the Hulk scares me. But me being me, I would never confess that to anyone.

I guess I was too focused on my thoughts that I didn't notice that the elevator had come to a stop. "are you okay?" someone asked. Hearing that voice caught my attention. I was hearing his voice. James.

I look up at him and see him grabbing the elevator door with his right arm. He was wearing a tight black shirt that did justice to his body. He looked very sexy. Too sexy if you ask me. I could tell he had noticed me looking at his body. The smirk on his face told me so.

I frown my eyebrows at him, "Yes. Now can you get out my way" I stated angrily. I really wasn't angry, just annoyed. He didn't have to come up to me all sexy and shit.

He stays in the same position he was in. Not moving a single hair. I roll my eyes, walking towards him. Now we were face to face. He was looking down at me while I looked up at him.

"Get out of my way" I stated sternly. He leans closer to me, to the point that our noses are almost touching, "make me" he said. I raised one of my eyebrows and chuckled.

Quickly swings his arm away and kicks him in the stomach. Bucky catches my foot and flips me over. I land on the ground. I groan in frustration. Bucky tries to get a hold of me again but I manage to quickly get back up and punch his face and gut with all my strength. Bucky stumbles back and loses his balance, giving me the opportunity to kick him in the stomach.

He groans and tries to punch me back but I dodged his hits. He then kicks me on the side of my stomach, sending me to the ground. I felt the air get knocked out of me but I didn't let that stop me. Immediately I swiped his feet off the ground with my leg, making him fall.

I pushed myself off the ground, ready for his attack. Even tho we're literally hurting each other. I kinda liked it. It's been a while since I fought against James. Well, the Winter Soldier.

He quickly got up and lunged at me. I managed to trip him but he took me down with him. I landed on top of him, which if I'm being honest, didn't expect to happen. I tried getting up but before I knew it I was being pinned down by him. He was straddling my legs and had my hands above my head with his own hands.

"How do you know these moves?" He questioned eagerly. Immediately I twisted my hands out of his grip, pushing him away after. I was able to get up quickly and so did he. We went back to throwing punches and kicks at each other. Until I got irritated with him and managed to get him into a chokehold.

"What moves?" I said. I knew if I had said something else, he would have figured out who I actually am and the others. He was about to swing again but then the elevator door opened, " What the hell happened here" someone said. We both look towards the owner of that voice. It was stark.

He was looking around the room. I guess when me and James were fighting, we had destroyed a couple of things around the room. The desk near the couch was broken in half and the vase was also smashed into pieces. I don't even know how we broke that.

"Were you guys- were you guys fighting??" He asked. He looked between me and James in suspicion and in annoyance. I roll my eyes, "yes." I stated. I started walking towards the broken vase and started picking it up. I made sure to be careful so I wouldn't cut myself.

"Instead of staring like dumbasses, how about you get me the trash to throw this away," I said. I heard movement as I continued to pick up the other pieces. Starks then comes over to me with a plastic bag.

"Sir, Mr dick Face had arrived with Ms attitude, Mr dick Face 2.0, sweet child and rude child. They are on their way upstairs as we speak" the thingy in the ceiling said.

I look up at Stark with an annoyed and slightly angry face. In return, he just looks at me as if he's confused but then sighs and simply walks away. I was now all alone with James. "Are we gonna have to fight again?" I questioned.

I stand back up and look at him for a response. But we just look at each other before he also walks away. I kept my eyes on him as he walked away. After noticing that he was gone, I took a deep breath. It felt like I holding that in for so long.

At least Issac was able to find them. I really hoped they weren't injured or anything. Especially caught and taken by Hydra. But now they're back. They're back to me. My family is back.

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