Can I help you with something?

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Pee. Pee. I have to pee. I woke myself up, getting out of the bed and heading to the bathroom. As I walk into the bathroom, I hear the shower on. Who the fuck is taking a shower around this time?

Ehhh whatever. I open the door, walking to the toilet and taking a piss. "Gabby?" I heard Isaac say. Ya he's definitely taking a shower.

"I'm taking a piss." I said before cleaning myself and flushing afterwards. I don't say anything else but leave the bathroom and head over to the bed, falling back asleep.

2 hours later
"Wake up." Someone said to me, punching me a little bit. "Wake up before I slap my cock on your face." Another person said. What the fuck?

I open my eyes, hearing some people laughing. It was Isaac, Abby and Diego. Abby looked like she just woke up. She was wearing Diego's shirt and his basketball shorts. Her hair was in a messy bun.

"What time is it?" I asked. My hair was all over the  place from last night so I tried to put it in bun. Diego had used this opportunity to just make his way to the other side of the bed and lay down.

"11:27pm" Isaac said this time. Suddenly the door burst open and two little kids come running in. Enzo and Maggie jump in the bed. Maggie gets on top of Diego and starts playing fight with hit.

Well diego was letting Maggie hit him. "I'm hungry." Enzo said. I grabbed my shorts that were on the floor, putting them on under the blankets so the kids won't see me in my underwear.

I get up from the bed, heading over to the bathroom brushing my teeth with an extra toothbrush Issac had in his room. "Hurry. I wanna eat." Enzo said.

By now we were all making our way over to the kitchen. Ready to eat some good ass food.

"That's literally what I said capsicle" Tony said rolling his eyes. Thor starts laughing with Pietro. Tony and Steve were having another beloved argument like they always do.

"Good morning." A little voice said. Everyone turn over to that voice. Noticing it was from that little girl, charlotte. Natasha smiles at the girl  "Well good morning to you too".

"There's bacon, toast, orange juice, pancakes, waffles, fruits and more at the table." Steve said looking at the new addition to their team. But he was mainly focusing on someone. Her.

Gabby and the rest of the group started making there ways to the table. Maggie goes over with enzo and Diego to the other side of the table, seeing that those were the only seats available.

Isaac pulls out some extra chairs that were in the kitchen. Hand one to gabby and another to Abby. " did you sleep." Tony asked awkwardly. It was surprising for the others to see Tony like this.

His memo was always confidence. The smarted one, the good looking one. Overall, he was full of confidence. It was shocking to the others seeing him like this.

Gabby laughs, "It was okay. Not the best mattress in the world." Gabby said struggling her shoulders. She already knew how to get into Starks head. If she's gonna have to work with them, live with them. Might as well have a little fun with it.

Tony puts his mouth in shocker. While the rest had a smirk or were laughing. Tony clears his throat before drinking his 5th cup of coffee.

Gabby smirks, grabbing a toast and taking a bite of it. "We were thinking" Steve said. He pauses after his sentence and looking around the room "that maybe, we can start your training today." He spoke once again.

This catches the attention of the new members, even the two children. Enzo looks over at gabby, almost as if he's asking her if they have to train. This time Abby speaks up "are you just asked Liza. Or all of us?".

Steve looks around his teammates before looking back at the young woman. "All of you. Well except the kids of course." Steve said. Relief takes over the kids body. They don't want to train.

"Ok" Abby said. They all go back to their breakfast and continue eating. Diego reaches over to grab the orange juice and pour some for Maggie and Enzo. "Mr Captain America" Maggie said. Steve picks his head up and looks over at the girl.

"You can call me Steve." Steve said smiling softly. "Do you know Spider-Man?" She asked. Tony picks up his head, looking at the girl in curiosity. Why does she want to know about Spider-Man?

As Maggie's and Steve are having there little conversations. Gabby feels as if someone's watching her. She quickly scans the room, only noticing that everyone was too busy looking over at Maggie and Steve or on their breakfast.

Except for one. James. He hasn't even touched his plate. All he was doing was staring at gabby. He remembered their interaction last night. How she gave him an attitude. How her ass looking in those tiny shorts. How all he wanted to do was fuck her.

"Can I help you with something?" Gabby stated annoyingly. She wanted him to keep looking at her. She wanted to look at him. She wanted to feel him. Feel his hands. Lips. His body. She remembers how it used to be. How comfortable and safe she felt with him.

Bucky doesn't said anything but gets up from the table and leaving the room. "I'm sorry about him." Wanda said softly. Gabby doesn't say anything as while but goes back to eating her food. Only to get weird looks from Abby.

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