Almost home

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Silence. We've been on the road for an hour now. It's dark outside. I look at the time and it reads 9:08pm. I sigh "we're gonna have to drop the car somewhere. So they don't track us through the license plate" I say quietly. I'm not even sure if Abby heard me. "I know" Abby replied, looking at me for a sec before looking back to the road.

It was quiet again. Too quiet for my liking. I turn on the radio. Slime you out by drake starts playing. Good song. Highly recommend.

After about another hour, we see a gas station and decide that we'll leave the car there. Abby parks the car, gets out and starts getting our stuff, including the guns from the back seat. I was still in my seat. Confused. Hurt. Anger. "Gabby come on baby, let's go home" Abby said to me. I was too focused in my thoughts that I didn't even see her coming to the front and opening my door. I quickly unbuckled myself and got out. I noticed that Abby's hurt. She keeps on limping and her sweater ripped from the side. There's blood. She got shot.

"Abby stop." She turns around to me "huh, why?" She looked at me confused. "Give me the bag. You're injured." "I'm fine" she said turning back around and continued on walking. "Abigail" she stops walking and looks back a me again "just let me help you out" I pleaded. She nods and hands me one of the bags "here, take my hoodie and wrap it around out your waist. It'll stop the bleeding" "gabby it's cold ass fuck. If you didn't dead because of this mission, your definitely gonna dead from hypothermia"

After arguing back and forth for a while Abby had finally put my hoodie around herself, "see it's not so bad" I say to Abby, shaking a little bit. "shut up gabby" "okay."

"Gabby" "yes amorcito" I say coming and putting my arm around her shoulder. Abby laughs at my response. I start laughing with her "so we gonna talk about what happened back there or leave it" she asked. Do I wanna talk about it? I have so many questions. How am I the soulmate of the avengers. Avengers. The superhero's. "I'm just so confused Abby. I-I have so many questions." There's a long pause. " If I'm being honest. I'm not completely sure why I ran. Why I didn't accept them." Another long pause. "would they even accept me. I'm a killer. I... I hurt people. A lot of people. And what about Maggie and Enzo. Will they even like them. Want to see me with them. And Issac, Diego. Well not much of Diego since he seems to be all up on you" I told Abby with a smirk at the end. Only receiving a slap on my stomach. We both started laughing.

"what, just how Issac be all up on you" Abby stated with a large smirk. "Don't even start with that" I replied back and rolling my eyes.

Ya sure me and Isaac hook up once in a while. It's meaningless sex. I know I probably should have waited for my soulmate, well technically soulmates, with an s at the end. But we couldn't help ourselves. We needed some sorts of relief. Any type of relief. So we started hooking up here and there. Nothing to it. He just looks really hot sometimes.

"Back to our main topic" said Abby " you shouldn't let any of us get in the way of being with them. No matter what you choose. Being with them or not. We're here for you. Me, Diego, Issac, Enzo and Maggie. Will support you through anything." There's a long pause. Again. "And if it helps, Enzo and Maggie would love to meet the avengers." Abby stated while looking at me.

"But here's the problem, I'm not even sure if I wanna be with them. What if they find out who I really am and decide I'm not worth anything. Or if they start having an issue with me. I'm just...Im just so confused. But what I do know is that I want to be with you guys. Forever. You, Enzo, Maggie, Issac, Diego. My family." "And you will" replied Abby, grabbing my hand.

We kept on walking. Feels like it's been hours. I just wanna go home. Take a shower and go to sleep. I miss my babies. I wonder what Enzo and Maggie are doing. Are they still awake? I pull out my phone and check the time. 9:52pm. Damn, it has even been an hour since we started walking. I'm starting to think maybe I shouldn't have suggested leaving the car. Fuck it's really cold. I should have brought another hoodie.

Abby all of a sudden falls. I quickly get down and gently pull her back up. Shes getting weaker. The bleeding stopped but with the amount of blood she lost , I wouldn't be surprised if she faints at any second. "Come on. I'll help you walk. We're almost there." I said knowing that we aren't even close. I grab the other bag Abby was carrying and put them behind me, on my back. Taking the weight off her will relieve some pain. "Thank you" Abby said gently. "Don't die on me now, you still have to get home and tell Diego about your feelings" I said, trying to lift up the mood. Abby giggles. "is it really that obvious??" Abby asked "oh mamacita, If only you noticed how you both look at each other" I said.

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