A little girl

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"What the hell Pietro? Why would you attack him?" Nat started talking. As much as she was confused about 'Liza' and 'Chris'. She needed to focus on the other first.

Nat and Bucky were the only ones cleaning the mess that they made. Tony was doing something on his phone. Clint had sat down on a chair with 1 icepack. One is in the back of his head.

Pietro was helping Wanda. A bruise was forming on her right eye and one on the side of her stomach. Loki on the other hand was just playing around with his daggers.

"You saw how he was holding onto printcessa. We all did." He started by explaining himself, "I did not like who he was holding her." he continued. he was going to speak again but someone beat him to it, "So you decided to punch him?" Buck said

There was a moment of silence before Pietro responded, "Yes". bucky sighs, shaking his head "And what about you Wanda, what is your explanation?" he said. Wanda stays quiet for a moment as well.

She knew it was wrong for her to attack him like that. But in her defense, 'Chris' was going after Pietro, her brother. All she wanted to do was to keep him safe. But it did not save her from a punch in the eye and stomach.

"I'm sorry. He was coming for Pierto." She stated, sighing after her apology. "but something was different this time.." She said. this had gotten the attention of everyone. they all looked at her confused.

"I was able to read his mind, to feel his emotions." She stated. Nat frowns her eyebrows at her. She then drops everything that she was holding onto the table and walks over to Wanda.

Everything watches as Nat walks to Wanda. Noticing her facial expression, Nat knows something we don't know. Or at least she had an idea about our new recruits.

"And you couldn't read him before?" Nat asked. However, she already knew the answer. Wanda looked at her confused this time but shook her head no, to Nat's question.

"Do you know something?" Clint asked Nat. "I need to go" was all she said before leaving the room. Not once did she look back at them or even say anything else. She just simply left.

While everyone else was confused, Bucky had an idea of what Nat was leading to. He also had the same idea. "what did you see?" He asked Wanda. As was waiting for her answer, he had taken it upon himself to take the empanadas from the oven and leave it on a plate.

"It was darkness, blood, a lot of blood, and his fear... he feared to lose all of them," Wanda said. everyone stood quiet for a moment. No one knew what to say.

"What about Liza? Did you see anything?" Tony asked. He also had his theories about them. They didn't seem like a normal human being. Earlier today in the gym, she was able to run 20 mph and she didn't even seem tired.

And knew with her fighting moves, the strength she had to even flip over Clint amazed him. Plus the hard kill in his stomach. But it wasn't just only her, it was all of them. He like the others had noticed the scars another their body.

"It was similar to Chris, blood. But I did have a small vision." She said. Everyone stays silent again, waiting for her to speak." there was a dark room, really dark. I could bearly see anything." She explained.

"And a little girl was in there, she looked younger than Charlotte. She had long black wavy hair covering her face. She was wearing an old dirty dress, it looked similar to the one I was wearing at Hydra. She was barefoot and had a rusty ugly teddy bear." She said.

Everything was paying deep attention to Wanda's story, "She was moving back and front, as if she was scared about something. And was spacing out." There's a long pause before she continues.

"From a distance, I was able to hear screams. A man and woman. After some while, I heard footsteps coming closer to us, well the little girl. Then my vision cuts off to hearing a man and woman yell. They were yelling 'no', screaming to stop." She finished off.

"Is that it? That's all? " Tony asked annoyed. he now was anxious to know who that little girl was and what else had happened there and when. "Could printcessa be the little girl in Wanda vision?" Pietro asked this time.

No one answered Pietro's question. Nor did they want to. Could their soulmate be that little girl? Could their soulmate have been in trouble long ago? What does this mean now? Could it have been someone else?

"We need to figure out the truth. The truth between all of them." Loki said. He was quiet for the most part. Haven't said a thing. He however was impressed. In the 2 days that he had seen her, she had shown him dominance. The deadly eye contact. The protection. The fighting skills.

There was once again. A moment of silence. "well I'm going to my room." Clint said. He got up and headed over to the elevator, leaving the room. "Come on sister," Pietro said. He saw the injuries on Wanda and wanted nothing but to help her. After all, this could have been avoided if his jealousy didn't take over.

"If anyone asks, I'm in the lad" Tony stated. Little by little, everyone started leaving to their own rooms. Loki had left shortly after, saying that he needed to rest.

Bucky was the only one left. He stayed admiring the empanadas. They looked delicious. He wanted to have at least one of them, but he stopped himself. However, his main priority was Liza. He feels as if he knows her. As if he has seen her before.

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