In the shadows

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After we dropped the food off to Bruce we had to go back upstairs where everyone was still. Issac had texted me that they had gotten back to their rooms and were waiting for us so we could watch a movie.

"Liza?" Maggie said as we walked down the hallway towards our rooms. "Ya," I said. I looked down at her, brushing her curls.

"How long are we gonna have to keep everything a secret?" She asked me. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say. If I'm being honest, I don't fully know why are we keeping everything a secret from the Avengers.

"I- I don't know," I said quietly. We both continued to walk down the hall but this time in silence. Maggie runs off towards Diego seeing him walking out of his room.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Diego said. He picked Maggie up and started walking towards her room. I left to my room, to get ready for bed. Before I even change into some comfortable clothes. I head towards the bathroom and dad my nighttime routine.

Which was mainly brushing my teeth and washing my face with cold water. That was it. That was my whole nighttime routine. Oh, and I just added some moisturizer to my face.

After finishing up my 'skincare' routine, I went over to my Dora backpack and took out some freshly new PJs. I took out an old Spider-Man t-shirt, with Issac flannel pj pants and some nice cozy white socks.

(If you don't like it just ignore it <3 )

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(If you don't like it just ignore it <3 )

I pick my head up hearing a knock on my door. I put on my slippers and head towards the door opening it, revealing Diego. I opened my door wider and walked towards the bed.

"Woah you look stylish," he said jokingly. I chucked, "I know I do," I said winking at him. He heads over to the bed and gets comfortable. I watch as he takes off his flip-flops and gets under my covers. I look at him confused. "What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't even say anything but pulled out his phone and started watching TikToks.

I was about to say something again but then Abby came over with Maggie. "Scoot over," Abby said to Diego. She also starts getting comfortable and lays right next to Diego on his left while Maggie is on his right.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked again. Abby and Diego just ignored me and stayed watching TikTok on Diego's phone while Maggie had the controller in her hand and was searching for something to watch. "We're gonna watch the movie here." Maggie finally told me.

"Will all of us even fit here?" I asked. This time I got the response from all of them, "Ya you have the biggest bed out of all of us." Abby said. I looked at her confused, "no I don't, we all have the same bed except them" I said pointing at Maggie and Enzo.

Enzo had come in with Isaac while Abby was talking. They both as well just got on the bed and got comfortable. Enzo was on the right of Maggie and Issac was on the right of Enzo. Leaving me the space to the right of Isaac. "Yes, you do. We checked" Enzo said.

What the actual fuck? When did they even have the time to see the sizing of the beds? We got here a few days ago. I'm so confused.

"Wanna watch Harry Potter?" Maggie asked us. But in reality, she was just asking Enzo. I rolled my eyes seeing all of them comfortable and ready to watch the movie. I was now about to get under my conversation but sadly got stopped. "Before you get in. Turn off the lights and get us some popcorn." Diego told me.

I looked at him annoyed but regardless got up. I grab my phone and start walking towards the door "I wanna go" Enzo said before jumping on top of Isaac and then jumping off the bed, putting on his dinosaur slippers.

He runs over to me and grabs my hand as we leave the room, heading towards the kitchen. "Is there even popcorn here?" Enzo asked. I stopped walking and looked down at him. "Shit. I don't know." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Um, thingy in the ceiling. Is there popcorn here?" I asked the A.I. "Who are you talking to?" Enzo asked whispering. He was looking up and down, side to side, trying to figure out who I was talking to. I ignore him and look up at the ceiling. "Yes. There is a box of popcorn in the pantry. Would you like me to tell you all the flavors?" The A.I. asked.

Hearing the A.I. talk scared the shit out of Enzo. Making him jump in surprise but quickly get into a fighting stance. He kept his fist up and was looking everywhere for the owner of that voice. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What? What's so funny?" He asked eagerly. Shaking my head, still laughing "It's an A.I." I said. I grabbed his arm, pulling him as we continued to walk down the hall. "What's an A.I.?" He asked, still looking everywhere in case there was an actual person.

"It an artificial intelligence," I replied. I watched as his face turned from worried to confused. "A what?" He asked. I laughed seeing his facial expression. "It's a computer system that is capable of performing complex tasks that historically a human can only do," I explained.

While I was giving Enzo a mini-lesson, we had already made our way to the kitchen and were looking for the popcorn that the A.I had said it was. "I have no idea what you just said," Enzo said as he grabbed some cookies he had found in the pantry.

As I grabbed the popcorn, I had this feeling that someone else was in the room, other than Enzo. And I'm pretty sure Enzo was also feeling the extra presence of someone else in the room. "Кто-то здесь," Enzo said quietly but in Russian.

I pulled Enzo in front of me as I was putting the popcorn in the microwave. "Если что-то случится, беги и скажи другим." I said looking down at Enzo. He nods his head in response. Could it be James who is sitting in the dark again? Or is it another avenger? Whoever it is, I need to keep Enzo safe.

As the popcorn started popping, I had this cut feeling in my stomach that something bad was about to happen. Like really bad. With one last pop, I opened the microwave but then we heard the floor squeak as if someone was walking towards us.

Immediately I turned around and shielded Enzo from any danger but before I was able to do anything I heard Enzo breathing heavily and a clutter sound a heard in the room. We see the figure coming out of the shadows, surprise takes over me and Enzo. Captain America was the one in the shadows.

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