Ice cream

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"God damn" Tony said looking at Liza walk. Her ass bounced up and moved with every step she made. Steve makes a quick look before looking way, trying to be a gentleman.

Thor comes over, a poptart still in his hand "Man of iron, what are looking at?" He stated. He then looks at what Tony was looking. He widened his eyes and blushes a bit noticing what Tony was looking at.

"Have some respect for Lady Liza." Thor said, still looking shocked at Tony. Tony looks over at Thor, rolling his eyes.

Fucking weirdos. Why do they keep looking at me, well my ass. Gabby mentally roll my eyes, "20 minutes of running then we do legs." Issac said.

He noticed that gabby looked kinda pissed off and frown in confusion. He then looks behind them noticing that most of the avengers are looking at them Most looking at Gabby's ass.

"Fucking weirdos" he said quietly. But loud enough for everyone to hear. Gabby chuckled in response and put her hand on his arm. "Come on" gabby sated.

He turns back to gabby. Gabby sees him having a small smirk on his face. He winks at gabby before he started the treadmill. Gabby following his movements, starting her own.

Over time, gabby and Issac started speeding up. They were both competing against each other, seeing who can run faster and longer.

Gabbys current speed was 11, it was a light jog to be honest. Gabby look over at Issac who has pressed the speed button. Going 13 miles per hour. She frown, pressing her speed button again, this it was 14 miles per hour.

"And here they go again..." Abby say out loud. From the mirror in front of the treadmills gabby sees everyone look at them.

"What are they doing? She can hurt herself with more speed." Captain America said to Abby. Abby just laughs in return. "Don't worry Caption American, they always try to compete against each other with everything." Maggie suddenly says.

Black widow smirks looking down at the child, "so she likes competition, huh" she stated. Maggie just hums in response.

By now gabby and Isaac were head on head, running as fast as they can. Both their  speeds were at 18. Gabby can feel herself getting really tired, but in her mind she definitely not about to lose to Issac.

"How are they even able to run that fast?" Tony asked in shocked. He hasn't took his eyes off gabby, not even once. He was scared for her. Worried that she might fall and hurt herself. But he was also impressed on how fast she was going. It was almost like she wasn't fully human...

"You're gonna lose" Issac chocked out speeding up. Gabby doesn't say anything but speeds up as well. Now 20 miles per hour. Both of them are running in sync. Both breathing heavily. Chest racing up and down. Their legs are burning.

"Jarvis turn off the treadmills, NOW!" Tony yelled out. With the sudden stop, both gabby and Isaac crashing into the handles of the treadmill.

"What the fuck" Enzo said. He runs up to Tony and punches him, in his guts. Tony groans as he touches his stomach. He looks at the kid in shock.

Gabby got off the treadmill, laying down on the floor. She tried catching her breath while Issac goes over to her with a rag and her water bottle.

"I definitely won" gabby said. She sits up, drinking her water. Issac laughs and shakes his head "in your dreams" he stated. I smirk "you are in my dreams" I said cockily, winking at him afterwards.

Isaac laugh and wiping his sweat with his rag. Gabby turns to look over at Enzo and Maggie. But all gabby seen is anger faces. All the avengers seem to be mad at them. Well Isaac to be exact.

She also notices that Enzo looking at Ironman with anger. She frowns and gets up, walking towards them. "What's wrong?" She asked looking down at Enzo. Enzo doesn't say anything but continue to give the man
a death stare.

"Mr Ironman told mr Jarvis to turn off the treadmill. And En-" Maggie said but stopped talking when she was about to say Enzo's name. Quickly gabby turned the conversation to her "next time don't turn off the treadmill. Unless you wanna deal with him again" gabby stated.

Gabby bends down to Enzo's height, "I'm okay" she says lightly with a smile. Enzo continues to look over at Tony. Gabby puts her hand on his arm, he then turns to look at gabby.

"He..he could have hurt you.." Enzo told gabby. He looks down to his feet then looks back at gabby. Gabby couldn't help but smile at him. She loved how much Enzo cared about her.

At this point, everyone in the room saw how much they cared for each other. How much they love each other. Not only with Enzo, but the whole group. They all cared for each other and wanted to protect each other with everything they got. They love each other. They're a family.

"Okay" Enzo replied back. We can all tell that he was still upset about what happened. "How about you let me shower and we'll go get some ice cream" gabby told the child. His eyes light up and smile crosses his face as gabby mentions ice cream.

"You wanna come to princess?" Issac asked picking up Maggie. She squeals and nods her head yes, smiling. "You still need to train" the winter soldier said. Gabby looks at him, "we can do that another day" she stated before walking out the room with her family.

"I lowkey want some ice cream now" Clint said. In response everyone just rolled their eyes or simply walked away.

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